Good Move! Vin Diesel turns down ‘xXx 2: State of the Union’.

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Would ya look at that, there appears to be some script discrimination going on - isn’t that great? Apparently, upon being presented with a second script (the first script was trashed), Vin Diesel opted out of the second movie of the triple X series. He says he liked the first script (which is too bad), but he says this new one “Wasn’t right.” and “It didn’t feel like XXX to me.”

I’m not too sure what XXX is supposed to feel like, but from most opinions, that feeling rhymes with: “Completely Sucks.”

Either way, with Vin Diesel out of the motion picture, XXX 2 is bound to make a lot less in box office receipts. Today, the gods are smiling.
(For the record, I kinda like Vin Diesel, he’s just been in a glorious amount of bad movies.)

Whoops, Forgot to add the ARTICLE in USA Today about it.

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