George Romero’s Diamond Dead

diamond.gifI’ve actually known about this for a while, but for some reason it never occured to me to post anything, so thanks to Tracy for dropping a note and reminding me …

George Romero. The man is one of the greatest cult film directors of all time, being responsible for the the classic zombie film Dawn of the Dead, among others. Now, take Romero and combine him with Richard Hartley - composer of The Rocky Horror Picture Show - and then cast Marilyn Manson as a rock and roll Jesus Christ and what you get is a whole lot of blasphemy and a sure to be instant cult classic called Diamond Dead. The film is still in the fairly early stages of production, but what makes it so noteworthy already is that Romero is offering a pretty much unheard of level of interaction for everyday people off the street … the website has in depth diaries about the film production, scripts, and offers chances to win walk on roles. So there you go. You may not be able to be Johnny Depp’s new love interest but you can be one of the undead. Check the website above for info.

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