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Dawn of the Dead Uber-DVD Release

By John - June 12, 2004 - 14:14 America/Montreal

dawnofthedead.jpgFangoria has just listed the specs for Anchor Bay’s ridiculously complete 4 DVD edition of George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. The set includes three complete versions of the film (US theatrical, an extended cut and the European theatrical cut) accompanied with a slew of commentaries and a fourth disc of documentaries and other extras. Click the link above to see the complete details …


  1. dmiller23462 says:

    No matter how much shit gets talked about the original by all these young unappreciative movie “fans”, it is still one of the GREATEST horror movies ever….I loved the new version but still much respect must be given to George Romero’s original…..”We’re not worthy, we’re not worthy”

  2. Jim Tudor says:

    Been waiting for this news for YEARS! Awesome, awesome, awesome. I just don’t get why the cas commentary is on the Argento cut as opposed to being on a cut that more accurately shows their work as Romero intended. Oh well, a minor quibble. This set should be one of the rockin’est releases of an already rockin’ DVD year.

    BTW, I loved the new version as well. Whodathunk?

    JiM T

  3. dmiller23462 says:

    I loved the original “Night of the Living Dead” and really didn’t HATE the remake in 1990…

    “Day of the Dead” was pretty crappy but I’m such a Romero-worshipper that I could not bypass that movie….

    I went into the new Dawn movie expecting alot from it….Happily, I was not disappointed….I loved every minute of it….I actually saw it TWICE on opening weekend, IN THE THEATRE….I haven’t enjoyed a movie enough to watch it TWICE in one weekend in YEARS….

    There’s so much crap being put out now that it’s refreshing to see something of quality….Now if they would just release Shaun of the Dead over here, I’d be a happy man too….

    LOVE them Zombie movies….