A Pair of I, Robot Trailers That Don’t Suck.

irobot.jpgI know I’ve taken a few swings at I, Robot for deviating so far from Asimov’s novel but that’s just the old school sci-fi geek in me talking. The film geek part of me, however, is pretty excited to see this thing simply because I’m a huge fan of director Alex Proyas and have immense faith in him to make a quality film of this, plus a lot of hope that this turns out to be the film that finally breaks him into the mainstream. Thing is, though, that first trailer just wasn’t very good. Visuals were fine, but it looked like it was playing to the Men In Black crowd and that’s well and good if you’re looking for a Will Smith / Barry Sonnenfeld comedy but this movie aint that. There are two new trailers, however, that have come along since and I think probably give a truer picture of the film.

This one I meant to link to ages ago. Unhappy with the original trailer that the studio put together Proyas cut his own trailer himself and made it available directly from his own Mystery Clock website. Which is one of the best film maker websites in the whole world, actually, and you should go there right now.

And this one I just came across thanks to AICN. It’s the trailer for the Japanese release and again has a totally different tone than that early version.

Both are in Quicktime format.

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