The ‘Undertaking Betty’ Trailer Challenge…

Okay kids, here’s today’s fun game:

First, click this and start watching the trailer for “Undertaking Betty”.
Second, try not to laugh at Christopher Walken screaming his head off.

As far as “Undertaking Betty” goes, this is another shining example of Miramax picking up yet another fine film from another country and doing really weird things with it. Which is apparently, a really hard habit for some certain CEO’s to break. This time they’ve changed the title from Plots (Plotz?) with a View. to “Undertaking Betty” - whatever their reasoning is for it, I’m sure it had something with their assumption that the American Public can’t figure out anything for themselves. You should all hate them just for that. Plots With a View was made a year and a half or so but has, to no surprise, had its feet dragged around getting released in the U.S.

Apparently posted a little report on this film and a subsequent review a couple weeks back. Read it here.


  • 1. Luke S replies at 17th May 2004, 8:38 pm :

    Looks good to me, the Star Trek thing had me laughing. Shame were given yet another reason to frown upon Miramax. “Is that a frozen pea?” Priceless.

  • 2. Rodney replies at 18th May 2004, 1:23 am :

    For a moment I thought this might be a sequel to Nurse Betty.

    I was worried that the world would have to endure Renee Zellwegger playing the psychotic with an identity crisis while they weakly weave this plot that tries to explain why they think she is now an undertaker.

    Oh, and Day-Vuh… email me… now.

  • 3. Lisa replies at 15th September 2004, 9:00 pm :

    I loved the trailer and I loved the actual movie. Had me laughing most of the way through.

  • 4. Lisa replies at 15th September 2004, 9:00 pm :

    I loved the trailer and I loved the actual movie. Had me laughing most of the way through.