Bubba is Back in the Country …

Bleary eyed, yes. Smeared on the Interstate, no. I made it back from Chicago last night to find a bloody huge stack of mail waiting for me (more on that later) and some interesting info …

Whilst in Chicago I spent the week with my friend Big Bald Dave who you may have noticed insulting Day-Vuhl around here lately. It’s okay. That’s how he shows affection. Big Bald Dave runs a little film / dvd / collectibles / comic review site over here that I like a bit. I like it enough, or at least I like Dave enough, that I wrote a few reviews for it while I was there. You can read my review of Ozu’s Floating Weeds here and ones I did of Panic Room and The Good the Bad and the Ugly here, though you’ll have to scroll down a bit for those. The things I did for Jeeves and Wooster and Bubba Ho-Tep have yet to appear. And yes I went on vacation and spent a solid day doing nothing but write DVD reviews. I’m a freak.

Anyway … the stuff that affects you … Big Bald Dave and I were talking about doing some things co-operatively between the two sites and what we came up with is this: Giving things away. For free. To you. He’s got some friends over at Sideshow Collectibles who are creators and purveyors of the absolute sweetest movie figures around and just as soon as Big Bald Dave pries something suitably impressive from their grasp (we’re hoping for some large scale Hellboy stuff) we’ll be hosting a wee contest to find it a caring home. So be watching …

Oh. The stack of mail. It included my very own copy of Old Boy which is currently in competition at Cannes. Mmm. If my digital camera hadn’t died on me I’d throw some pictures of it up here, but for now you’ll have to take my word when I say that this is one of the better packaging jobs I’ve ever seen. And this is the supposedly ‘bare bones’ edition. Those Koreans. They’re wacky.

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7 thoughts on “Bubba is Back in the Country …

  1. You betcha. Open to all.

    And we just got word on what the free swag will be … and it’s pretty sweet. I’m not saying more than that till we’ve got everything set up …

  2. All I can tell you guys about the contest is Todd and I will have it up soon and that a steady flow of ultra-schwag will be flooding Movie Blog and Imagine ‘Dat! surfers homes. Think Hellboy, also think how much you love me.

    Ride the wave baby.

    On a personal note- invite the Todd-which over to your house. Feed him and grand things are about to happen. Good friend, great writer, large nostrils.

    And Dave- despair not. Your freebie days aren’t over yet. I have a signed George Clooney used napkin containing a smear of Dapper Dan from the Oh Brother set coming your way. At least I think it’s Dapper Dan in there. Perhaps some DNA testing is in order- he did have a cold during the shoot.

    This big bald blogger is honored to post on the same little white rectangle with ya.

  3. I remember when I used to get cool stuff in the mail…

    .. oh wait.

    Loving the give-away idea. - We should give away a predator costume - and then give it away to only me.

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