New Trailer up for I Robot

A new trailer for Alex Proyas’ I Robot has hit online and it’s looking pretty good in a big popcorn sort of way … The film still doesn’t look to have any relationship with Asimov’s book other than the use of the Three Laws of Robotics but I’m personally a huge Proyas fan so I’ve got some decently high hopes for it … if nothing else hopefully it makes enough money that people will let the man make a few more of his own projects … anyway, click here for robotic mayhem in glorious Quicktime format.

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1 Comment

  • 1. Herby replies at 15th April 2004, 4:50 am :

    I am very worried. Being a huge Asimov fan I don’t like the idea of using the I Robot title to sucker in fans, and then not use any of the stories. Asimov was one of the greatest science fiction writers ever. Why change it?