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Kill Bill Volume 2 Trailer and reviews

Again, this maybe old, but I haven’t been in the continent so lick me.

I’m quite happy to return home to find a trailer for Kill Bill Vol. 2 that only has roughly 4 seconds of that “car” scene that has dominated all other versions of Kill Bill’s Teasers and Trailers so far. I really didn’t like it. I think it’s rather silly and boring. Anyway, give it a click and check it out.

As far as reviews go, all the reviews submitted to rottentomatoes have been positive so far:
Summary of reviews..
Review from Films in
Ebert & Roeper’s very positive review - Listen to it here
A couple reviews from aintitcool

Ebert says there’s actually lots of dialogue and even goes as far as saying it’s “brilliant” and saying “Two Thumbs a-waaAAyy Up” Roeper even went as far as saying it was “complex” saying David Carradine may deserve an Oscar Nom for his performance. Ebert also said that Volume 1 wasn’t on his top ten list of last year, but that Volume 2 will be on his list this year. How interesting. On we go.

3 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. RDPMP

    Same shit different movie. Its all these same idiots who were ranting and raving about how great kill bill 1 only to find out it was some totally boring and useless pile of horse dung with zero dialogue or even plausibla story line to follow. I walked out of this disaster before the end (apparently so did Stephen King). I will not waste another 2 hours on my life on this nonsense again even if Ebert& Roeper give it 2 thunmbs way up each others rear ends.

  2. HDHP

    Classic Tarantino - violent, great dialogue and really great acting by the intense Uma. I really loved this movie as much as the first one, even though the first one had better action and was equal in style. But the storyline was better in this one, fleshing out the characters and adding depth to “The Bride’s” quest. While the first one was a pure comic-book-like revenge fest, this one was substance as well as style. Both movies were visually fun to watch. I loved the training sequence in this one with Pai Mei - fantastic classic martial arts flick scene. Thurman was obviously in some serious shape for this movie and looked like she’d gone through some grueling training in real life. She pulled off this role in the best possible way.The scene with the coffin, really great - claustrophobic, genius really. And of course, the fight between the “Two Blonde Gargantuans” was very satisfying. The real mystery in this movie was why someone like The Bride would be involved with Bill in the first place. But Bill did add an evil snake-like mysiticism to the movie, he was a great villain, even if it didn’t make sense that he was also someone who could charm the Bride. The end scene was more surprising than violent and had an interesting twist. This is a great movie, just because it’s so d*mn fun to watch and that’s what movies should be anyway.

  3. Darren

    Hey, OK when will people start giving independant reviews and forget the hype. Kill Bill 2 is nothing more than mediocre, the climax fight scene with Bride & Bill lasts.. 15seconds! The dialogue which has been praised is sometimes clever, sometimes ultralame - no joke. It is good in that it puts closure onto the whole saga.. but in a few years time this film will be obsolete, like the hype that made Independence Day.

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