Hugh Jackman to be the Next James Bond?

Well, let’s spur the rumours a little more shall we? The last rumour I heard sputtering on James Bond’s lawn was “Orlando Bloom”, which somewhere along the way here, I strongly disagreed with; at the risk of infuriating crushing teenaged females.

Hugh Jackman being the James Bond is a choice I’d be much more comfortable with. I’m sure there’s some things in there that I may have issue with, but I really can’t think of them at the moment. Kind of a sharp looking bloke — Younger then Pierce, but older than Orlando. I’d go with this one for sure I think. Although I’m currently still accepting resumes from other people. The photo is from an article in today’s emotionally charged dribble paper: the Toronto Sun.


  • 1. Bubba replies at 23rd April 2004, 5:55 pm :

    Read that at work today … Jackman fesses up to starting the ‘Hugh as Bond’ rumors himself because he wants the part and also says pretty clearly that he hasn’t spoken to anybody connected to the film about it at all … I’m not sold on him for the role, though I can definitely think of worse choices, but so far it’s all in Hugh’s hopeful little head …

  • 2. opus replies at 23rd April 2004, 6:55 pm :

    Sigh… I always thought Clive Owen would make a great Bond, just based on his performance in “Croupier”.

  • 3. Bubba replies at 23rd April 2004, 7:15 pm :

    Hey … forget Croupier … the BMW Films practically play like an audition tape … apparently Clive said no, though. He’s got no interest in doing it. Too bad, ’cause he’s born for the role …

  • 4. opus replies at 24th April 2004, 3:01 am :

    You know, I still haven’t seen those BMW films. Weren’t those the ones where each film was done by a different director, like Fincher, Wong Kar-Wai, et al?

  • 5. Bubba replies at 24th April 2004, 4:39 am :

    Fincher supervised the initial batch, but never actually shot one … Wong Kar Wai, Guy Ritchie, John Woo, Ang Lee, John Frankenheimer, Tony Scott … I’m forgetting people … anyway, they’re online at ….

  • 6. Pat Whaley replies at 24th June 2004, 11:35 pm :

    If you’ve seen HUGH JACKMAN in some of his most recent films, put all the characters together and they spell “JAMES BOND”.

    He’s distiguished and handsome in “Kate and Leopold”, rugid and daring in “Swordfish”, incredibly sexy in “Someone Like You”.

    You’ve seen him “sly as a fox”, romantic and forward with women.

    What some people might realize is that he is perfected in diction and accents!!

    He’s GREAT for the part of James Bond in “Die Another Day”!!! OH YEAH! Pat Whaley
    [email protected]

  • 7. Ray replies at 13th July 2004, 11:36 am :

    Jackman seems perfect but is there any truth to the rumors that he’s gay?

    That’ll ruin it for me the way it ruined Gerard Butler’s chances.

  • 8. Nicky replies at 16th July 2004, 9:39 pm :

    Hugh is happily married with an adopted son.

    I’d love for him to play bond. I have a friend who thinks that Orlando Bloom is king of the world, but I totally disagreed with the idea of him playing bond.

    Clever move on Hugh’s part…he has everyone talking about it…maybe he’ll be considered now.

  • 9. maurice replies at 19th July 2004, 10:30 pm :

    Hugh Jackman would make the perfect james bond, and, if given the opportunity, should definitely take the role. Aside from fitting the bond description, and having acting skills superior to all other candidates, he is marketable all over North America and Europe. He can keep the 007 franchise mainstream and bring 007 to a new generation of viewers…
    ps. orlando bloom is way way too young to be james bond. his name should not even be in the mix until maybe AFTER hugh jackman

  • 10. Cheryl replies at 27th July 2004, 11:09 am :

    Hugh Jackman is definitely James Bond Material.
    While Orlando Bloom is good-looking, he is too young to have that suave debonair look about him.

  • 11. Mary Stuart replies at 4th August 2004, 12:49 pm :

    Definitely Hugh Jackman must be James Bond, is most appropriate for this role.

  • 12. Bubba replies at 4th August 2004, 6:06 pm :

    Latest rumors say Eric Bana …

  • 13. Nicky replies at 12th August 2004, 12:10 am :

    I like Eric Bana too. His acting skills shone in Troy, and I think him and Peter O’Toole carried the whole film on their shoulders.

    Orlando Bloom is exactly the same in all his movies, the only difference being his hair style, so he ruined it for me, and Brad Pitt has definately done better films than this.

    I kinda fancy Sean Bean though, so I had to see this….and Eric Bana surprised me.

    I think he’d make an OK Bond, I’m still more comfortable with the idea of Hugh playing him…*sigh*

    Let’s hope they listen to us, huh?

    (wow…that turned into a review on Troy then, didn’t it? Ah well…)

  • 14. Mooncat replies at 27th August 2004, 3:20 pm :

    I think Hugh Jackman would be perfect for the role of Bond, and I said that before Die Another Day was even made. I don’t think Clive Owen could cut the mustard, (even though I’m from the same town as him). and Orlando bloom, (who’s still blooming),is a laughable choice. I think that Hugh should be James Bond for a further 4 movies and then hand over the role to Hornblower star Ioan Gruffudd, when he’s matured in looks for another 10 years, as he would be a spit of Timothy Dalton (best Bond after Connery).

  • 15. Bubba replies at 27th August 2004, 3:40 pm :

    Someone just said Dalton made a good Bond. I need to go bathe now. So … dirty …

  • 16. bara ben replies at 3rd September 2004, 2:44 pm :

    I say yes, yes, for Hugh Jackman as Bond.

  • 17. guillermo melendrez replies at 3rd September 2004, 6:27 pm :

    despite the actors on line for the next bond movie
    i think bloom or jackman would both fit a role like that. People are just thinking too hard and some are following popular demand. But truthfully i believe a stranger from new jersey would make a perfect bond. Someone who will start a new breed of james bond movies. A more younger in shape bond who can make another 5 bond movies. Sord of like the original bond who did several bonds. I have a bond type face people have always told me even years ago. Where can i send a pic. Its a great marketable idea. dont you think? email me if your a director [email protected]

  • 18. guillermo melendrez replies at 3rd September 2004, 6:29 pm :

    despite the actors on line for the next bond movie
    i think bloom or jackman would both fit a role like that. People are just thinking too hard and some are following popular demand. But truthfully i believe a stranger from new jersey would make a perfect bond. Someone who will start a new breed of james bond movies. A more younger in shape bond who can make another 5 bond movies. Sord of like the original bond who did several bonds. I have a bond type face people have always told me even years ago. Where can i send a pic. Its a great marketable idea. dont you think? email me if your a director [email protected]

  • 19. Guillermo Melendrez replies at 3rd September 2004, 6:30 pm :

    despite the actors on line for the next bond movie
    i think bloom or jackman would both fit a role like that. People are just thinking too hard and some are following popular demand. But truthfully i believe a stranger from new jersey would make a perfect bond. Someone who will start a new breed of james bond movies. A more younger in shape bond who can make another 5 bond movies. Sord of like the original bond who did several bonds. I have a bond type face people have always told me even years ago. Where can i send a pic. Its a great marketable idea. dont you think? email me if your a director [email protected]

  • 20. Guillermo Melendrez replies at 3rd September 2004, 6:36 pm :

    despite the actors on line for the next bond movie
    i think bloom or jackman would both fit a role like that. People are just thinking too hard and some are following popular demand. But truthfully i believe a stranger from new jersey would make a perfect bond. Someone who will start a new breed of james bond movies. A more younger in shape bond who can make another 5 bond movies. Sord of like the original bond who did several bonds. I have a bond type face people have always told me even years ago. Where can i send a pic. Its a great marketable idea. dont you think? email me if your a director [email protected]

  • 21. Nicky replies at 19th September 2004, 8:22 am :

    New news I heard is that whether Jackman is hired or not, Orlando Bloom will be cast for flashback scenes of Bond’s earlier years.

    This idea would be refreshing and I think I’d be a lot happier with Bloom being in the flashbacks as aposed to being the actual Bond of the movie.

    Any thoughts?

  • 22. Nicky replies at 19th September 2004, 8:23 am :

    New news I heard is that whether Jackman is hired or not, Orlando Bloom will be cast for flashback scenes of Bond’s earlier years.

    This idea would be refreshing and I think I’d be a lot happier with Bloom being in the flashbacks as aposed to being the actual Bond of the movie.

    Any thoughts?

  • 23. Nicky replies at 19th September 2004, 8:24 am :

    Didn’t mean to post that twice….silly me.

  • 24. six_claws replies at 12th October 2004, 9:54 am :

    I love Hugh Jackman and I’ve seen all his best films. I think he would make the perfect James Bond. Pity its another Australian though (no offence ment) because I think all James Bonds’ should be English/British. But I still adore Hugh. XXX

  • 25. Shizzy replies at 3rd November 2004, 12:13 pm :

    what about jude law as a candidate. I think he’d play the part pretty well. He was good in sky captain and the world of tommorrow and i think he’s british.

  • 26. jinx replies at 15th November 2004, 1:39 pm :

    I think that Orlando Bloom is georgous and I’m sick of people slagging him off and underestimating him as an actor just because he’s only 27. However I do think he’s too young for Bond and personally I think Ioan Gruffudd is perfect for the role. He’s a fantastic actor and he looks absolutly georgous in a suit. Hugh Jackmans good but Ioans better.

    GO IOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 27. Dave replies at 30th December 2004, 11:11 pm :

    Man All of you are crazy you want the perfect James Bond. Not Hugh Jackman, Not Orlando Bloom, Not Eric Bana, or even Clieve. The one Britsh person who I belive would make the deadliest bond and I belive would bring it back to old days like Sean Connery would be Ewan Mcgreggor. Imagine Ewan in M’s office, Dressed in a Tux at a party, having a smoke like the original bond. He is hands down the best choice to replace Brosnan and I pray they are considering him.

  • 28. jinx replies at 6th January 2005, 2:32 pm :

    No way he doesn’t have the right looks for James Bond

  • 29. Gloria Gale replies at 19th January 2005, 1:17 pm :

    What a good James Bond Marti Pellow would make dont you think

  • 30. Rose replies at 13th February 2005, 8:48 am :

    Search no further! Hugh Jackman has the ideal height and build, the most gorgeous smile and has the grit and savvy of a perfect thespian! Sign him up as the next James Bond!

    *note from her daughter: I feel so awkward having to type all this down for mama. She’s fallen head over heels for Hugh Jackman. It’s soooo creepy…

    **another note from her daughter: Ioan’s HOT. *drooling*

  • 31. gill replies at 26th February 2005, 6:46 pm :

    I think Marti Pellow would be an excellent James Bond.

  • 32. Gerard Butler fan replies at 2nd June 2005, 1:27 pm :

    gerard Butler isn’t gay at all! :o
    How can he be when he says he wants a girlfriend?He should really be the next James Bond! Or else i’ll hate the movies from then on! *strops*

  • 33. fia replies at 7th June 2005, 4:25 am :

    oh! hugh as James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it will be really great!!! have you seen him in van helsing his so cute and handsome there.
    i i really think he wil be a great james bond

  • 34. none replies at 7th June 2005, 4:25 am :

    oh! hugh as James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it will be really great!!! have you seen him in van helsing his so cute and handsome there.
    i i really think he wil be a great james bond

  • 35. Donna replies at 2nd July 2005, 9:18 pm :

    Please tell me that Gerard Butler is NOT GAY!!!!!

  • 36. D replies at 2nd July 2005, 9:18 pm :

    Please tell me that Gerard Butler is NOT GAY!!!!!

  • 37. Noone replies at 12th August 2005, 4:04 pm :

    Hugh Jackman. Watch his moives as well as seeing him in public. He has all what a Bond is. It is a perfect fit. Can not go wrong for this H J.


  • 38. jaye replies at 20th August 2005, 2:12 pm :

    sean bean will never likely be bond because he was a bond villian. Jackman, according to at least one story, was offered the role but turned it down. the rest is still in the air.

    as for the whole “gerard butler is gay” thing. he has been quoted in interviews as saying that while he feels it’s really no one’s business and hopes fans will respect his privacy in the matter, the rumors of him and certain actors (and he stresses that word to imply he means male and not just generically) are totally and completely false as are the implications read into certain comments made about him by people he has worked with (referring to the alleged confirmation by Joel S that Gerard is gay). so you can believe his comments or believe that it’s jut another celebrity being told to lie by his agent so that he can preserve his status