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Full Trailer for The Eye 2 is Up and My Bladder Pressure is WAY Down.

If you’ve never had the “pleasure” of seeing ‘The Eye’ - a downright spooky Chinese/Thai flick, than you’re missing out on some solid “Please Someone Just Kill Me Now” type moments of tension.

I’ll Keep this one short - but posted today the link to the Full Trailer for The Eye’s Sequel, aptly titled, The Eye 2. Snappy, huh? Folks, seriously, turn up your volumes and check this trailer out — Just make sure you watch the whole thing.

Full Trailer for Eye 2:

Eye 2’s Official Website (and it’s heavy, HEAVY Flash content to the point it’s almost not worth navigating):

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Bubba


    I had misgivings about trying to do a sequel but that trailer just completely won me over. Not only is it a Pang Brothers film, but it looks to be a Pang film with a decent budget, the visuals are awesome, it stars the girl from The Transporter (see earlier comment re: visuals) and it looks as though they’ve taking the smart route and made a story in the same vein as the first rather than trying to make a linear sequel … I’ll be tracking this down as soon as humanly possible.

    And for those who haven’t seen the first it’s out on DVD courtesy of Palm Pictures and Lions Gate. Check it out. Fun trip, especially with a few easily spooked people in the room …

  2. Bubba

    It looks like New Line is picking this up, by the way, so it should be hitting screens before too long … should get much better distribution than Palm managed for the first one …

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