Batman Begins

batman-begins.jpgThis sounds campy in a Batman Returns and Batman Forever sort of way. This new Batman movie is trying very hard to distance itself from the previous four Batman Films made popular by Tim Burton and then eviscerated by Joel Schumacher. Even the first teaser image we get to see, seems to imply that the costume will be a woven bodysuit with hand stitched details unlike the foam latex nipple suits.

The title Batman: Intimdation Game was received by the fanbase as being an acceptable title considering Ras Al Ghul was the enemy. That role was originally rumoured to be given to Liam Neeson and is now confirmed to be given to Ken Watanabe

These rumours seemed to be an evil ploy to throw off the fans so they didn’t have any idea what was to come. At this point I am not taking any Batman news at face value. I half expect them to change the title once more. Perhaps Batman: Nah Nah na na Nah Nah.

Either way I predict that I will LOVE this movie.

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  • 1. retardedjimmy replies at 17th March 2004, 2:03 am :

    Where’d you get that image? I want to see the thing full size!

  • 2. KungFuGuy replies at 17th March 2004, 10:36 am :

    Paste the link below in your browser and check out a larger image of it. It’s not very clear but you get an idea.
    Word is, it’s a fake though. Bah. But what can you do? I just hope to God that it’s more of the strain of the Burton Batmans. Hope upon hope.

  • 3. Bubba replies at 17th March 2004, 11:09 am :

    If Nolan’s earlier stuff is any indication (he did Memento) then this’ll be his own thing entirely … and if nothing else he’s a hell of a lot better film maker than Shumacher ever was …

  • 4. KungFuGuy replies at 17th March 2004, 12:12 pm :

    “Here, here! Well spoken, Bruce!”

  • 5. Day-vuhl replies at 19th March 2004, 2:45 am :

    I’m just checking here but:
    - We all know the name is NOT ‘Batman: Intimidation Game’, anymore right? It was changed quite a while ago.

  • 6. KungFuGuy replies at 19th March 2004, 8:13 am :

    Depends what you mean by quite a while ago. Up until I saw that link to the fake promo image I was still under the impression [and so was imdb] that it was still called Intimidation Game.
    But then I’ve just found this on from Feb 26th>>> It’s not BATMAN: INTIMIDATION GAME, which we’ve now learned was the project’s pre-production code name during its early development cycle. Now that Nolan’s film is moving into the active phase of its production, this title will be what Warner Bros. will be refering to the film during the duration of its shoot (which begins next month) and as it moves ever forward towards its release in the summer of 2005. Let the rumors be finally put to rest: The official title of the movie is BATMAN BEGINS.
    Either way I am wicked excited about this project and hope to God that Nolan doesn’t screw up Batman like Schumacher did… knob!!!

  • 7. Bubba replies at 19th March 2004, 11:24 am :

    Day-vuhl has a short attention span. Thus anything over five minutes old counts as ‘quite a while ago.’

  • 8. Marla Singer replies at 17th May 2004, 10:55 pm :

    hehehe.. Bubba’s funny