This entry was posted on Monday, February 23rd, 2004 at 6:28 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Right now, the ranks of The Movie Blog consist of 4 or 5 guys (depending on the day). What I’d really like to have is AT LEAST one woman join us to give a female perspective on the latest movies and movie news. So, if you’re a woman and would be interested in joining us here at The Movie Blog, drop us a note. Email me at [email protected]

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Rodney

    Day-vuhl used to look like Twisted Sister. Does that count?

  2. Sarah

    haha XD I think that should definatly count for something.

  3. Day-vuhl

    What he’s really saying is he has issues with my tight things.

  4. Day-vuhl

    What’s a ‘woman’, anyway?

  5. Bubba

    I miss the days of Day-vuhl’s flowing locks. I’m sure with a bit of digging I could turn up a picture or two of the uber-mullet.

  6. D-Dog

    I *love* the template to your blog. Nobody showed me how to do this and I’ve spent hours and hours learning how — fantastic job!

    If you have room for another male writer, I have a BA in film studies, but I’m a fanboy first and foremost.