This entry was posted on Thursday, February 26th, 2004 at 12:25 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Wormwood

bloom.jpgWell, we did the Actresses yesterday, it’s time for the Actors. Here are the top 10 average box office money making actors. Once again, some of these will surprise you:

#10. Tom Cruise - $99.4 million per film
#9. Tom Hanks - $102.8 million per film
#8. Hugh Jackman - $103.2 million per film
#7. Mike Myers - $105.9 million per film
#6. Billy Dee Williams - $107.9 million per film
#5. Jim Carrey - $109.2 million per film
#4. Harrison Ford - $112.2 million per film
#3. Will Smith - $119.5 million per film
#2. Mark Hamill - $217.9 million per film

And the #1 per film box office mony maker is…

ORLANDO BLOOM at $287.8 million per film. And with Troy coming out, you know his value isn’t going down anytime soon

Other Notables:

Mel Gibson comes in at #21 with $71.9 million
Al Pacino at #65 with $41 million
Robert De Niro at #83 with $33 million

3 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Joel Gustafsson

    I’ve got a huge problem with Billy Dee Williams at #6 and MARK HAMILL AT #2?!?!? This cannot be!? What is your source on this?


  2. David Terry

    They are there because of the Star Wars links. Also Billy was in Batman which also grossed highly

  3. John Campea

    David is right.

    Hamill has only been in a couple of other films other than Star Wars. And since each of his 3 star wars films have made over $300 million each, his bomb films still only bring his average down to $217 million.

    And to think that I never thought math could be fun! :)