Ken Watanabe joins batman cast

At this point, it looks like EVERYTHING is going right for the new Batman film. The cast is already fantastic: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Katie Holmes, Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson (one of my favorite actors in the world) and Guy Pearce. Now the crowning jewl. It’s being reported that Ken Watanabe (the guy who completely stole the show from Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai) has signed on to play the villain Ra’s Al Ghul. I can not think of a better fit. Watanabe has an extremely powerful screen presence and can say more with just an expression of his face than most actors can with pages of dialogue. Can you tell I’m thrilled about this?

Ken Watanabe will follow his Oscar-nominated performance in “The Last Samurai” by squaring off against Christian Bale in Warner Bros. Pictures’ upcoming untitled Batman movie. Watanabe will play the villainous Ra’s Al Ghul, an immortal strategic mastermind who wants to bring his own brand of order to the world.

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  • 1. Redpimp replies at 5th March 2004, 4:20 pm :

    You can mark this movie DBA (DEAD BEFORE ARRIVAL)
    I will first confess that i have NEVER EVER sat through an entire Batman movie because the whole Batman story is when i have never bought ever since i was a kid and i still hate these movies today. (I like the comics though, just not the movies)

    With that conffession out of the way, i must remind the guy who keeps posting these crap filled updates on Batman that pretty much every single movie that has tried to awe all of us with a wide ranging cast of big name actors has gone on to be one of the biggest busts in hollywood. (and i believe one of the batman series that had
    the Governator of California speaks volumes to that tried and failed experiment.)

    When i read that Ken Watanabe is lending his name to this hollywood trash, i was totally dissappointed. But i guess a mans gotta eat right?

    Ps…Quit hyping up this batman crap more than you need to. Batman pretty much sucks and i think that idiot from ER put the last nail in the Batman Coffin. It will not be resurrected and all we shall get out this new Batman is just some rotten hollywood trash back from the dead!!!!
    At this stage one would think any sensible adult should be sick and tired of that batman crap…

    Better yet, how soon to the next realease of Nightmare on Elm street part 13???

  • 2. John Campea replies at 5th March 2004, 4:55 pm :

    You seem to be oblivious to the major differences here. I was as sceptical about a new batman as anyone. The new names associated with it have won me over.

    First of all, they are throwing all the other Batman crap out and starting over. This is a whole new group of people and a whole new adaptation.

    Secondly, they have a REAL director this time in Christopher Nolan (Insomnia, Memento).

    Thirdly, the cast in this one isn’t just big names (like Arnold), these are actually great actors. 5 of the 7 main cast have either been nominated for or won Oscars.

    With Nolan at the helm I feel quite optimistic about this new approach to Batman. Remember, this isn’t a sequel (or prequel) to the other films, this is a totally new adaptation. Like any film, it might totally suck.

    However, I have come to believe in Nolan’s work. There is no reason to assume that he’ll make crap, because he hasn’t yet. I’m a believer in Christian Bale’s work (who i also believe is the single best piece of “Batman” casting to date).

    You are free to disagree with me. But to say “This movie will suck because the other ones made by totally different people with a different director using differnt scripts than this one sucked” seem premature at best. I’m not saying it will be great. i’m just saying I’m looking forward to it.

    I could be right and I could be wrong, but there is at least enough evidence to validate my optimisim.

  • 3. Redpimp replies at 5th March 2004, 5:14 pm :

    Fair enough. Your arguments seem sound. That Nolan fella seems well accomplished. I guess i just have a bias for some movies that i just can shake no matter how hard i try. (eg The Batman series, Star wars,Star trek and goodness gracious i hated that movie from the Mcfarland’s comic. I liked the cartoon and have seen it like 20 times but the movie sucked ass big time i just cant shake my dislike for them no matter how hard i try.)

    Be warned however, just because some one is successful at one genre doesnt mean they will be good at another. Every time i hear that peter Jackson is doing King kong i cant help but to cringe. Ever since i saw Jurassic park, i cant stand any movie where some gigantic creature or other is rampaging around in a city. To me it speaks volumes to lack of creativity and just childish fascination with the absurd.

  • 4. John Campea replies at 5th March 2004, 5:55 pm :

    Point taken. Just because Bale and Nolan are involved does NOT mean it’s going to be good. It could very well suck. Their involvment just has me giving it a chance… with some (perhaps naive) optimisim.