The First Kill Bill Vol. 2 Teaser-Trailer is Up and Running.

Okay, here it is: I know Harry of AintitCool news likes this teaser, and although it’s certainly MUCH, MUCH better than the Original Flash-embedded japanese TV Spot Teaser which came out a couple weeks ago, I’m actually not a fan of this new teaser very much either; albeit having a clear, heavy quirk to it.

Maybe I’m just anticipating a fun, action-packed trailer like we had for the first movie - but This New Teaser-Trailer simply doesn’t “do it” for me. Although I love the 1950’s screen visual style in front of the stationary car. Haven’t seen that for a while. However, that’s all there really is. Besides a couple lines from Mr Carradine.

So check out the trailer if you like, for me, I’ll wait for the next Full Trailer, or better yet just wait for the movie.

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1 Comment

  • 1. Katron replies at 7th February 2004, 12:09 am :

    After Jackie brown ruined poor Quentin, I thought he would never escape the shame and here he is!! I will miss the super fabulous Japanese theme (now it’s going Kung fu). And I doubt Quentin could ever replace the love I feel for every character in Volume 1 but we’ll see.

    WE’LL SEE….
    Mua ahahahahhaha!