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August 25, 2003

The Lord of the Rings

— Posted by John Campea

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to be shown in theaters this December
And, what’s this then? Could it be that we’ll be able to see the extended versions of Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers in theaters? Then, a marathon showing of all three? Have I died and gone to geek heaven?

Leading up to the December 17 release of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the final film in Peter Jackson’s epic dramatic trilogy, New Line Cinema will release a limited number of 35mm prints of the Special Extended Editions of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers in theaters across North America. The special screening series will culminate in an unprecedented marathon of back-to-back presentations of the Extended Editions followed by a special screening of The Return of the King. The announcement was made today by Rolf Mittweg, the studio’s president and chief operating officer, worldwide distribution and marketing.

From December 5 - 11, the studio will release 100-150 35mm prints of the Special Extended Edition of The Fellowship of the Ring in cities across the country. On December 12 - 15, these prints will be replaced with Special Extended Edition prints of The Two Towers. On Monday, December 8, and Monday, December 15, both films will be presented back-to-back. Then, on Tuesday, December 16, participating theaters will show a one-time-only marathon of both Extended Edition prints followed by an 11pm screening of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The official opening of the film will commence at 12:01 AM on Wednesday, December 17, 2003.

Thanks to Solonor Rasreth via Blogcritics for the post

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  • Adam

    Sign me up for the marathon!

    Adam Studnicki
    Injury Lawyer
    Studnicki, Jaffe & Woods, PLLC

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