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September 13, 2003

Meet the new Batman

— Posted by John Campea

It was officially announced by director Christopher Nolan (director of Memento) that the new dark knight is Christian Bale. I never really paid much attention to the rumors when his name came up, but now that I’ve had a day to think about it, I think this is a fantastic choice! Although I wasn’t a huge fan of American Psycho, I thought Bale was brilliant in it. Bale can pull off “dark” very well. He’s a fine actor, he’s in great physical condition and I think he’s the perfect age for the role as well. I never saw this one coming, but the new Batman is already building credibility with me (with Nolan directing and now Bale in the lead role). Time will (as always) tell, but I believe fans of The Bat have reason to be optimistic.

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"A Census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."

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