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September 24, 2003

Early Kill Bill reviews really positive

— Posted by John Campea

Over in Britain, advance reviews of Kill Bill have been hugely positive, and bode well for Tarantino fans hungry for the style and spirit of Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs.

Read the whole article here

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  • Anonymous
  • Day-vuhl

    Stephen, to celebrate your frustration on the people who wouldn’t Shut Up, I give you the post I left yesterday because of people who wouldn’t Shut Up.

  • Stephen P. Robertson

    I saw the 10:10 PM showing in Annapolis, MD after NAVY lost to Notre Dame by a field goal in the last :05 of the game. This movie made me forget about the game, and reminded me of all the classic ‘payback’ genre films made by both the Japanese and American directors. The merging of colors, music, camera angles and narrative maintained rapt attention within the audience; with one dissapointment.

    Some idiot and his girlfriend [ who were apparantly stoned ] were cackling throughout the film, and providing constant distraction. Whoever you are…I hope you remember that people paid $8.50 to see this movie…so next time shut up!

    Near the end of the movie I’m sure someone mumbled a thinly veiled comment to that effect, because they got quiet just before the credits rolled. I think that people must be taught about movie house manners…

    I must not give away the movie. You must see it (Like THE MATRIX)

  • jon

    I can’t believe how excited i got from the amazing glow of energy that this movie gave off. The minute the movie started i was transported into a different world. QT is back and there is nothing any critic can do to stop him from making some of the best movies of all time. Kill Bill was the best movie i have seen in many years. The pace, the acting, the action and the style was so perfect that only QT could have done it.
    But what was the point of splitting it into two volumes because i could have sat through Vol. 2 and a few more volumes. This movie was amazing and is a must see!

  • Striker


  • Micah

    Salutations all, you all seem to be having quite the little converse over all this aren’t you? I believe TY had the most humerous comment about Mr. John about halfway up the page, my my my you all do l ike to type alot don’t you? I am currently waiting for this movie to reach us here in theatre, Keeping an open mind that Quintin’s moves are all style of his own, i find them humerous as well as amuseing and i believe a good movie is not always the most, professional stiff face borring everything is legit and superficial ( well as anyone ever correcting anyone spelling, typing is freedom of expression, misspelled words aren’t always the mark of stupidity, so loosen up!) Back on track i hope this movie has it;’s share of “what the F@ck!?!?!” moments cause aslong as there humerous not confusing to the point of losing the entire story, but regardless. HE made a movie I didn’t cudos for that, hope you make lots of money, i’ll be workin my ass off for probally next to nothing compared to what they earn, so anyone who thinks they can knock that…HA your just jealous! lol

  • D Lap

    Okay, seriously fo ra second, that was the best film rebuke I’ve ever read. — regardless of whether or not I agree (I still haven’t seen it) — but that was solid. Okay.. I’m off to play more violent video games or something.

  • Tom Simri

    Kill Bill is without doubt the most disappointing film I have seen since the Matrix Reloaded.

    What Tarantino and his fans clearly believe to be clever references to classic seventies cult cinematography, in my eyes came out as gimmicky and contrived often to the point of embarrassment, from the yellow jump-suits to the funky riff that heralded Thurman’s revenge killings.

    Tarantino has recycled all the cosmetic parts of 70s cult film - two-dimensional characters, cheesy music, hyper-unrealism - but he cannot possibly replicate the real appeal of these films; which is that they capture the essence of their time. Instead, he gives us nothing but skewed and fabricated nostalgia for an era which most of his fans never experienced.

    Nor can the gimmmicky retro effects mask the fact that he, unlike the directors he imitates, basically has nothing to say with the film. Where the classic directors were working in times of massive social change and using their art to make statements about youth culture, Tarantino gives us the style with no substance.

    For me, one of the most irksome points of the film was the worst swordsmanship by a lead character since Arnie played Conan. Was that yet another intentional reference to old western-style kung-fu flicks, or just a flaw? I really don’t know. As a practitioner of a few martial arts and a resident of Japan, I felt that his use of the country was limited to a backdrop, and really did nothing but confirm western stereotypes of the Japanese: they’re all either mystical warrior sages or bumbling Yakuza thugs. Having said that, watching the demise of Gogo, whose attitude amongst schoolkids here is all too familiar, did bring a smile to my face.

    I certainly ‘get it,’ and know what Tarantino is trying to do, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s all style and no substance. I will wait for the second instalment to come out on video, but I won’t be losing much sleep while I wait.

  • Ashley Russ

    I can’t believe how excited i got from the amazing glow of energy that this movie gave off. The minute the movie started i was transported into a different world. QT is back and there is nothing any critic can do to stop him from making some of the best movies of all time. Kill Bill was the best movie i have seen in many years. The pace, the acting, the action and the style was so perfect that only QT could have done it.
    But what was the point of splitting it into two volumes because i could have sat through Vol. 2 and a few more volumes. This movie was amazing and is a must see!

  • Mike D.

    I wish people would stop saying that the scene where the Bride takes on the Crazy 88s was taken from the Matrix Reloaded! The Matrix films, while good, are not the beginning and the end people! Besides, that situation has been done before. I prefer to think that QT got that idea from Spiritual Kung-Fu, a Jackie Chan kung-fu film from the seventies. He has to fight multiple opponents (yes, in a ring surrounding him) to gain the right to exit shaolin temple. I’m sure there are other situations in other movies I haven’t seen, cause QT is a HUGE movie-buff, and has probably seen more movies than I could in two lifetimes. Please stop with the Matrix comparisons; they’re two different beasts in the action genre… Matrix movies are serious, while KB is, as Angela so rightly points out is more of an over-the-top, humorous homage to grindhouse action flicks. Think of it as comic book style… nobody makes fun of the Batman villains do they?

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