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November 18, 2003

Disney Freaks Over Bad Santa; Thought Bad Meant Nice.

— Posted by Rodney

FRESH OUTTA THE KNUCKLEHEAD DEPARTMENT: Well, Disney is griping again - this time it’s about something that would have been so painfully obvious, some flashy executive has no right to complain. Here comes my Disney rant, ready? GO!

Okay, now: let’s play along here for a second:
Are You:

- a bizillionaire fat-cat that sits behind a desk and tells the public what movies to watch?
Did someone bring to the table a movie called “Bad Santa”?
Did You Say “okay”?
Did it get made?
And are you ticked off that the movie made Santa look… oh poopsie, what’s that word.. ah, yes…. BAD?!?!

If you answered yes to all of these, then: You Are a Mental Fart. — Or you work for Disney. Or both.

According to, Disney finds the notion of a “drinking, f*cking Santa Claus” (ie: BAD) as bad. (see? Am I not making fantastic sense here? how is this a shock?)

Here’s the thing: the film is made by Miramax (owned by Disney) - who also released Kill Bill and the Scary Movie series! Scary Movie?? I’m sorry, what was that “appropriate” nonsense you were babbling about? Sure, the argument: “But this is bastardizing Santa! An icon of childhood joy!!” is valid, but to that I say this: IT’S CALLED “BAD SANTA”, WHAT IN BA-HOOBIES WERE YOU EXPECTING?? Bad-SMELLING Santa!?!? Geez!! Give me your uber-cash salary, and I’ll do your blasted job FOR you.

But even still, look at the big picture Mr. Freud: The movie’s trailer says: “And now, a hopeless kid, and a Santa nobody liked, are teaching each other a lesson… The naughtiest guy in town, just might discover, how to be nice.” You’ll have to excuse the filmmakers for assuming that you’d catch onto the bigger picture and THE FLIPPING TITLE!!

Nothing appears sacred, anymore, this is just not in the spirit of Walt Disney,” is what a ‘source’, is reported as saying. And to THAT, I say this:
— Where was your sacredness when you kept bastardizing my childhood stories? Remember the Little Mermaid? the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Yeah, they all DIED! They lost!! Whatever happened to teaching kids that life can sometimes be a bucket of piss? I spent days and months dwelling on the fate of the Little Mermaid, and wondering “what if she’d done this?” — but Disney makes everything all fluffy and forgettable. Sigh. But I digress.

Lastly, I say two quick points: 1) the movie is rated R anyway!!!, - So was Scary Movie!! It’s not FOR kids, so WHO FLIPPING CARES?!?! (Maybe the studio knows that kids get into Rated R movies anyway, but perish the thought they do something about that — too much revenue to lose)

And 2) as final proof: Go HERE AND WATCH THE TRAILER and try not to laugh.

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  • Jarrod

    “Our” sh**

  • Jarrod

    The American R allows kids under “17”(not 18 you idiots!) to attend if they have a parent/guardian with them. I should know I live in the f****** country. Are rating system is retarded! There are some R movies out there that kids shouldn’t see, even if the are with a parent. I think R should be changed to mean “No one under 18 admitted”. If that isn’t Restricted than I don’t know what is. Some R movies are no different than watching a porno and you have to be 18 to see that sh**. America can be so stupid! I hate you F****** Democrats! You’ve run this country into the ground!!!!!!!!!! F*** YOU!!!!!!!!

  • Rachel

    In a bizarre turn of events, I thought the movie was indeed a ‘feel good’ movie. It was very touching. In a very vulgar sort of way, but touching nonetheless.

  • Day-vuhl

    Yeah I know - dat’s whuut I said: American R is like our 18A (not to be confused with our “R”) - Those under the stated age can still get in with an adult. I’m all genius. Mostly. Sort of. Well, sometimes. Okay, not often. Shut up.

  • Bubba

    Mistake in your ratings thing Dave … the American R allows kids under 18 to attend if they are accompanied by an adult. No such provision in the Canadian R … our R is equivalent to the American NC-17. Part of why the MPAA flips out is because they don’t have any rating to say that something is meant purely for adults without also implying that it’s porn (the NC-17 replaced the X rating and carried all of the X rated stigma with it, most film chains won’t screen NC-17 films as a result, heance nobody makes them)

    Canadian ratings aren’t looser IMO they more accurately reflect the reality of the different age brackets and, hence, we get a wider range of things screened here than in the US.

    And yes, Disney is largely staffed by a group of incredible dumb-asses.

  • Ben

    When I worked at the Charlottetown Cinemas box ffice we used to make kids cry by turning them away if they couldn’t prove their age. Good times. We also used to warn parents when they took their 8 year olds to see things like South Park. Some of them told us off for it but most of them appreciated it, especially the parents of kids who had lied to trick them into taking them to see the movie.

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