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November 20, 2003

Director’s Cut Daredevil DVD Comin’ Your Way.

— Posted by Rodney

For all of you massive Daredevil fans…. John and…… ummm…. .well, John: You’ll be happy to know that the Ceo of Marvel has announced that in April, they are releasing a director’s cut of Daredevil, in all of his logic and gravitational law defying glory.

Perhaps I should’ve let John do this post, because it would’ve been much more delightful and happy. I was indifferent about the film, but I don’t think the average general public member needs to be exposed to a Daredevil scene that was considered “not good enough” to be shown in theatres. It could stop a few hearts.

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  • http://pete pete

    i liked daredevil mainly because colin made a perfect bullseye and i liked the way it had bits and pieces of the comics that frank miller had drawn. i also can’t wait for spider-man 2 to hit thearters the first one rocked cause they made it feel like your watching a live comic book. and i liked the actor/actreses choices the made J. K. simmons makes they perfect J.J.Jameson. i saw the new trailer and i was blown away. And one more thing i thought the hulk was good…yes they used C.G.I to make the hulk but thats the only way he could be created

  • http://pete pete

    i liked daredevil mainly because of bullseye colin made a perfect bullseye and i liked the way it had bits and pieces of the comics that frank miller had drawn. i also can’t wait for spider-man 2 to hit thearters the first one rocked cause they made it feel like your watching a live comic book. and i liked the actor/actreses choices the made J. K. simmons makes the perfect J.J.Jameson. i saw the new trailer and i was blown away. And one more thing i thought the hulk was good…yes they used C.G.I to make the hulk but thats the only way he could be created

  • Bubba

    How young? The thing with super hero movies is that there are always layers and layers of sub text to peel away (except quite possibly with the Punisher, which is purely about revenge) and as such they can be pretty powerful means to raise larger issues … best example of this is probably the X Men films. The first one, in particular, can be read as a straight up allegory for the 1960s civil rights movement with Professor X playing the part of Martin Luther King and Magneto filling the role of Malcolm X … The X Men comics in general raise a lot of very interesting moral, philosophical and religious issues.

    What is it about the film that you want to keep your son away from, and why?

  • protectivemom

    Does anyone who has seen Daredevil think it is ok for young children?
    My son is a superhero junkie and there is no way I want him to see this movie, my husband, however has different ideas. Please help.

  • Day-vuhl


    …”Batman and Robin”


  • kevin

    I can read…..and the script in Daredevil still made me vomit. Come on man…the Hulk was good? Lets run over the same background plot piece over and over again……the real problem is they target younger kids with these movies…hence, like star wars the true potential to some of these comic book theatre releases will never be tapped. As for X-men…I thought both 1 ans 2 were great….so we do agree on something! party :)

  • Sam

    What was wrong with the Hulk? It was better then x-men, daredevil and the batman movies. The HUlk was excellent, Ang Lee rules!!

  • kevin

    why feel indifference about a movie that sucked it harder than revolutions? Its ok to hate dave..go ahead……hate away…
    …and john…..first you liked phantom menace….now this….my confidence has bottomed out on yeah buddy. sorry dude…but next Im gonna hear you liked the hulk and that news will make me start crying…dont make me cry john. hate is good…embrace it.

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