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News Chat
August 25, 2003

And apparently, everybody stayed home

— Posted by John Campea

And apparently, everybody stayed home

Wow. Do you know how many landmarks were broken this past weekend?

You probably don’t know, because as it seems, you were doing something else.

1) Freddy vs. Jason - is the first horror movie to stay at number 1 for more than a week in — I can’t even remember. Probably Blair Witch in 99.
2) GET THIS - Gigli is no longer the biggest flop of the year. Lisa Kudrow and Damon Wayans movie, Marci X opened in 1200 theatres and made.. imagine this.. an untruthful 865,000 bucks! - Ouch. - Stingy, Stingy, Stingy in my Thingy, Thingy, Thingy.
3) All the top three films kept their spot. That doesn’t happen much.
4) The highest opening was only the number 5 spot — The Medallion.

I was buying a tv and watching Fubar at my house this weekend… So here’s the question: What were you doing? Anyone, anyone? Bueller?

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