Christmas day releases

The last time I checked there are about 3 films opening on Christmas day. Here’s my question: Does anyone actually go to the theater on Christmas day? I can’t imagine it’s a big box office day… so why release it? Are any of you thinking of going to a movie on December 25th?


  • 1. dave-bro replies at 23rd December 2003, 11:18 am :

    Well John, I’m not sure if it’s a big day all round but I do know a lot of friends who do go to the theaters on x-mas. Mostly everyone has the day off so it makes it worth while I guess. I can think of many ways to better spend my x-mas day then watching that new Ben Afleck flick. ack.

  • 2. Day-vuhl replies at 23rd December 2003, 11:28 pm :

    Hey, careful now bro-hahn, that’s a John Woo flick you’re talking about.

  • 3. day-vuh-bro replies at 23rd December 2003, 11:49 pm :

    john woo huh?…….

    two words.

    wind talkers.

  • 4. Day-vuhl replies at 24th December 2003, 12:50 am :

    I’m sorry, I have no idea of this windtalking from whence you speak. I’ll safely assume that whatever it is doesn’t exist.

  • 5. Rodney replies at 24th December 2003, 5:06 pm :

    Two U.S. Marines in WWII are assigned to protect Navajo Marines who use their native language as an unbreakable radio cypher. Stars Nick Cage.

  • 6. kevin-Dagg replies at 24th December 2003, 5:54 pm :

    ….and…to add to Rodney’s info……it was a pile of doo doo, like M.I.2 doo…

    wicked ass rapper I am.

  • 7. Darth-Slartibartfest replies at 25th December 2003, 9:18 am :

    According to my friend Chucky, who used to work at a prominant Silver City movie theatre in the Hamilton area, Christmas Day is actually quite busy at the movies. Everyone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas has nothing to do, and many who do celebrate Christmas have to kill time until dinner. Or after dinner. So there ya go.

  • 8. Day-vuhl replies at 25th December 2003, 3:43 pm :

    Oh Dearest, Dearest Rodney,

    The fact that you could not read my sarcasm and the fact that you, even for a second, believed I had not heard of a John Woo release, is rather disturbing to me.


  • 9. Herby replies at 26th December 2003, 5:24 am :

    I remember as a child a typical Christmas was always going out for Chinese food and then going to the movies/ You see, being Jewish my family never celebrated Christmas. And to get away from all the rah rah J.C. things on the television we would have a family outing to the cinema.

  • 10. Brad Pineau replies at 26th December 2003, 3:40 pm :

    Yep.. I always go on Christmas night. Especially if I get lots of Movie Money as gifts.