Archive for December, 2003

Robert Di Nero as a Batman villain?

From the good folks over at CountingDown:

The cast are Christian Bale [Batman], Michael Caine [Alfred], Judson Caspian [Viggo Mortensen], Cillian Murphy [Harvey Dent], Katie Holmes [Rachel Caspian], Chris Cooper [Gordon], Elle Fanning [Barbara], Noah Emmerich, as of 11/29/03. They apparently are still finalising the two main villain roles, but everyone from Robert De Niro to Dennis Quaid has tried out, and they should have their man-times two, in a week or two.

Greatest Hockey Miracle.. Yes? No? Maybe?

Well, if you want to ruffle a few feathers North of the Border, here’s how to do it:
Make a hockey movie about the ‘Miracle-on-Ice’ between USA and Russia and give it the tagline “The Greatest Moment in Sports History” and in the trailer, call hockey Russia’s game.

Oh granted, I won’t debate the fantastic odds in this game, or even how amazing it was but two types of people will debate the “Greatest Moment” claim:

The 1st - any baseball, soccer, football or basketball fan and most importantly:
2: - Anyone, and I mean anyone who, 8 years before the ‘Miracle’ ever happened, took witness in September 1972, to the Summit Series as Paul Henderson and Canada beat the Russians on their own turf in 8 games. Nothing beats it. Feb 24, 2002 may come close…
I would completely endorse the statement “Greatest Moment in AMERICAN Sports History”, but I’m sure that’s what the marketers of the movie meant anyway. Because other countries don’t count?.. Maybe…

Either way, Kurt Russell is the coach in “Miracle” being released on February 4th this… next year. 2004 is what I mean. Not too sure if I’ll catch it, I wouldn’t mind, but I haven’t been able to catch many flicks this past month (hence my lack of postings) because of schedules, Christmas and finances and stuff. Either way, you likely have the duty to see this if you’re an American, a hockey fan or both.

Oh, and since we’re on the topic, Go Leafs Go.

Christmas release round up

Out of the following Christmas releases, which one do you think is the best flick or at least LOOKS like the best flick?

Cheaper by the Dozen
Cold Mountain
Peter Pan

Stuck on You gets stuck with bad box office returns

There are a lot of sad Christmas faces around 20th Century Fox this week. “Stuck on You” was figured to be an automatic $100 million dollar film. The Farrelly brothers comedy staring Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear was given a lot of hype and was expected to play respectably against the Christmas competition. However, grim reality is the only thing they found in their stockings. After 2 weeks in release, Stuck on You has only pulled in close to $17 million and it will be lucky if it breaks $40 million when all is said and done.

The audience and critics both seem to think that this is a decent film, so why the poor results? One obvious answer is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King which hogged most of the box office with almost $125 million in its first week. But with “Something’s Gotta Give” pulling in $33 million in the same 2 week period as “Stuck” the other problem that becomes obvious is marketing. I thought the ads for this film were just lame, and didn’t at all entice me to go out and see it despite the fact that I’m a Damon and Kinnear fan. It will be interesting to see how the film does over the next few weeks.

Merry Christmas!

From all of us here at The Movie Blog, we’d like to wish you a very safe and merry Christmas!

Christmas day releases

The last time I checked there are about 3 films opening on Christmas day. Here’s my question: Does anyone actually go to the theater on Christmas day? I can’t imagine it’s a big box office day… so why release it? Are any of you thinking of going to a movie on December 25th?

Is “Return of the King” the greatest film of all time?

I have to admit that I have a habit of exaggerating things sometimes, especially when it comes to film. However, walking away from Return of the King left me with that feeling you get when you know you’ve just witnessed something very special that will be talked about for decades to come. I sat and thought about it for a little while and I just couldn’t escape from the idea that I had just watched, what is in my personal opinion, the greatest achievement in film making in the history of motion pictures. I believe this for 3 main reasons: 1) Moving storytelling, 2) Superb direction and acting and 3) Astonishing and appropriate usage of the modern technologies of visual effects.

I have personally never seen a story so masterfully told as Return of the King. The pace, the characters, the conflict, the love, the heroism, the bravery, the frailty, the victories, the defeats, the loss, the tragedy, the friendship, the loyalty, the strength and the weakness all told with a deep humanity that relentlessly pulls you along for the journey. The story is both complex yet simple at the same time. Moving from character to character and scene to scene the story progresses the way one could imagine telling a tale around a fireplace on a cold night. It never rushes. It never slows. It just moves along allowing you to soak in what has happened without making you wait for what happens next.


The best thing one could say about a story is that it makes you “feel it”. You feel the tragedy when Theoden falls. You feel it when Merry and Pippin are reunited. You feel it when Aragorn takes up sword of the King. You feel it when Sam is pushed away by Frodo. You feel the hope and the hopelessness, the disappointment and the excitement. Near the end I could feel tears in my eyes as King Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas and the entire city of Gondor dropped to one knee and bowed to 4 small hobbits.

I’ve always hated it when great movies just suddenly end. The bad guy dies and the credits roll. Return of the King doesn’t do that. When Sauron is defeated the story goes on for about another 20 minutes showing us the Crowning of Aragorn as King, the Hobbits returning to the Shire and Frodo, Bilbo and Gandalf accompanying the Elves in their ships to the west. The story reminds us of what it is the characters have been fighting for and often dying for. It was a beautiful and perfect ending.

The direction and performances of the actors was phenomenal. I just can’t say enough about Sean Astin as Samwise. I think it would be a real shame if he’s overlooked for best supporting actor when the Oscars roll around. Peter Jackson absolutely MUST win for best director. The way he guided us and the actors through the story was nothing short of inspirational. Unlike the recent Star Wars films which often had its wonderful story cluttered with poor direction and acting, Return of the King bleeds all the direction and actors into itself in a breathtaking way that I have never before seen accomplished.

Many films today try to make the special effects the star of the show (ie Star Wars, Matrix, Star Ship Troopers ect.). Return of the King never does this. Although it is the single greatest accomplishment in visual effects in the history of film, the effects are never there for their own sake. They play their part like another actor in the film, only used in such a way to tell the story… nothing more.

The most wonderful thing about film is the pure subjectivity of it. I’m sure many of you will think I’m totally out to lunch with my review. That’s fair. But it is nonetheless what I felt. So, while many people will have many different opinions of Return of the King, the following statement is undeniably true:

“The Return of the King is the single greatest motion picture that I have ever seen.”
John Campea

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Rainbow Cinemas at Market Square Gets Festive

I know I have already sung the praises of the Rainbow Cinemas on Front Street in Toronto (their homepage here - my previous post about them here)

And now, besides having the most reasonable and realistic price for your movie stub in all of Toronto, and besides having the quaintest, coolest theatre, they now are doing what I’m surprised I’ve never seen any theatre do at Christmas time. .. This coming Monday at 7:00pm, they are showing

“It’s a Wonderful Life” on the big screen

UPDATE: This showing was actually LAST Monday - Rainbow changed the layout slightly and it was showing the remains of last week’s shows instead of the UPCOMING shows — I was going to erase this post, but I still think it’s a great idea, so I’m leaving it up.

I shouldn’t need to tell anyone why this is (*ahem* WAS) a good idea. Go get into the Season and watch this the way it was seen back in the 40’s. Take your loved one or most reasonable hand-drawn facsimile and have a Merry Christmas night now won’t you? Ask around, you’ll be surprised how many people you would assume have seen this, haven’t seen this. Joyeux Noel n’ Stuff!

New York Film Critics Pick Return of The King is reporting that the New York Film Critics Circle has chosen Lord of the Rings: Return of the King as the best film of 2003.

What makes this rather interesting is these are the same guys that rarely nod their heads to the big, hugely plugged, dead give-away movies, and usually focus more on the smaller (and usually more deserving) films. American Splendor and Lost in Translation picked up their respects along with Return of the King. Their reason for acknowleging Return of the King? — because it’s “a masterful piece of filmmaking,” says the chairman.

Click here to see the whole article..

Thoughts and Reviews on Return of the King - and… Go:

Oh, I know I’ll be hearing about it sooner or later… You’re going to, or you have seen Lord of the Rings: Return of the King before me. Good for you. And since I’m going to hear about your wonderful luck eventually, I might as well give you a spot to rub it all in….

So by all means… Leave us your ample thoughts on LOTR: Return of the King. Go.

Sigh… I hate my life…..

Finally!!! The Spiderman 2 Teaser Trailer!!

Yup! It’s finally online! I shall make no comment, spare the fact that I gotta change my pants.

Just Click One of These:
Wonderful Hi-Res Quicktime Downloadable Version
Stupid, Small yet loads Sorta quickly Version!

You’re still here? go already!!!!

What Does DMX and Garfield Have in Common?

Well, the answer’s quite simple really - The Garfield Trailer and DMX’s movie “Never Die Alone” Trailer are both online - and both trailers are lame.

I’m somewhat cheering for Garfield because I’m a big Bill Murray fan, it’s just the trailer I’m having problems with.. Glimpses of hope, yes, enough to sell me a ticket — not yet.. View the Trailer

Whoever edited the trailer for “Never Die Alone” forgot to add in video footage, narration, visual titles or, hell, ANYTHING that told us… oh…. you know.. what the movie is… what’s that word.. ah yes, ABOUT. Some guy has a past. — That’s IT. No plot, no character names, no conflict - Nothing - It could be a violent Christmas movie for all I know. - whoever made it, is clearly hoping that every last person who owns a DMX album and sees the letters ‘DMX’ on a movie screen, will buy a ticket. Sadly, it’ll probably work. The trailer reminds me of the “close your eyes, I have a present for you” trick: Tempt the suckers willing to fall for the limited info you’re giving them, and then do something nasty to them while they aren’t looking. View the (sucky) Trailer

Batman Casting Rumours

MSN News Reports:

Katie Holmes, no stranger to broody guys after her extended stay on “Dawson’s Creek,” could find herself involved with the broodiest brooder of them all. The Hollywood trades report the cutie-pie actress is nearing a deal to play Batman’s love interest in the upcoming Christopher Nolan-directed Warner Bros. flick, which stars Christian Bale as the cowl-covered crime fighter. Holmes still has to do a screen test with Bale, but if her chemistry with the Dark Knight proves palpable, she’ll join a cast that also includes Michael Caine as loyal butler Alfred.

Before people get their Batman underoos in a bunch, I am thinking this wont be the worst idea. Firstly, this is the youngest Batman actor to date at 29 (another hint that this script will be prequel material) so naturally they want to find a love interest in that same ballpark. Holmes is not that kid from the ‘Creek anymore, and at 27 she isnt likely to be playing many more teen roles. (Mind you Ralph Macchio was 24 when he played a 16year old in Karate Kid)
I am not a huge Katie Holmes fan, but I don’t dislike her either. We will have to wait for that screen test to see if she gets the gig.

You’re Required to Like These People. Now Go.

Every once in a while, ’specially since it’s Christmas, it’s a good idea to spread a little bit of help to a few people who have helped us…

In light of which, these people have linked or blogged to us over the past wee while and all house some interesting stuff of their own. - And they like movies, so goody for them. Please visit their sites and make them feel happy and good.

Cinema Aficionado - Wow. This Cinema Blog kicks total butt. Alison Parker (an online media senoir) does her homework for every single post. Her goal is to educate you on movies. She knows what she talking about. This is a must visit. Go Now - The longer you wait the less you know. This blog just became my new regular visit.
HowardatRandom - Lauren lives in California, attends San Jose State, likes Anime, recently discovered our review on the Star Wars Holiday Special and won’t date you, so don’t go all “lonely guy on the internet” on her. However, her blog is stock full o’ stuff. Updates on the current odor of her Dorm Room. You know you want to know. Go. - That’s her name, and this is her webpage. She posts different events, photos and stuff and is currently linking to our Best Christmas Movies Ever Made list. She recently got married. Go congratulate her… now.
Occasionallywright - Ben Wright writes stuff. He has wise thoughts and wrote a thesis defending professional wrestling - just that deserves a visit right there.
Retarded Jimmy - “Jimmy” runs a fantastic site that covers billions of media releases, including movies, music, video games, TV etc. - Check it out. Tons to read, sharp layout.

My apologies go to anyone we missed (there’s a few)- Honourable mention goes to search engines who almost count as people.

Lots of New (and not-so-new) Trailers

Okay, this will be one of those suckers that doesn’t focus on one movie, but a few new releases that’ll be released in — ohh, I dunno.. the next few months or so. Some of these look great, some of them look average.. the movies that looked totally stupid (ie: “My Baby’s Daddy”) I just left out.

Hidalgo - Viggo’s next big flick. This has already been commented on, but the newer, longer - although not necessarily BETTER trailer is out. Still looks good though. View Trailer
Win a Date With Tad Hamilton - Granted, this looks sorta silly, but Topher Grace makes me chuckle. However, it looks like it would have an entertaining flavour to it - Although you already know how the story ends — Which is too bad, because, well.. although the reality of it sucks, the smaller, weaker, less-famous and less-rich guys DON’T win. Trust me. I know. View Trailer
Taking Lives - I’m not too sure what I think about this one, it doesn’t seem too bad. With the cast in it, I’m surprised I haven’t heard of it yet. There’s a really slick death sequence in the trailer that made me go “OOOOOohhhhhhFFFFFFFF!!!!” - And hey, it takes place in Montreal, Canada - like it’s actually set there. - Well, so was ‘The Score’, but it’s always a nice touch. View Trailer
The Big Empty - This is already playing on a very limited release, but hey, being a fan of Jon Favreau (you are too, you just aren’t aware you are) this trailer looks fairly quaint. Nice… dark…comedy…. and human heads. Very Good. View Trailer
The Big Bounce - This could be a sweet re-make: Owen Wilson, Morgan Freeman, some new hottie, Gary Sinise, Charlie Sheen… In the right setting, Owen Wilson can be spot on - And with Elmore Leonard — who’s written tons of stuff you’ve liked- directed by the guy who did “Gross Pointe Blank” - hopefully this will be a slick sucker too.View Trailer
Dummy - Artisan has this listen as “Now Playing”. But in all my movie yapping, I’ve never even heard of it. The trailer looks very subtle but has a certain edge to it that seems to make this romantic comedy look quite different from the staple romantic comedies, which seem to all be teen-angst-ridden silliness. Spitfire Cast to boot. View Trailer
Touching The Void - This documentary got rave reviews at the Toronto Film Festival earlier this year - and it is apparently being released in late January. Being pumped as “more-than-just-a-survival-movie”, I know practically nothing about it - as I was too busy watching ‘The Grudge‘ at the time. From what people are saying, you should watch it. View Trailer

Okay, I’ve been sitting here way too long. I’m gonna go buy Egg Nog.

The Passion of the Christ Teaser Trailer, Website - and a Review - are Online.

**UPDATED AGAIN ON DECEMBER 9th** - read on…
Well, rapidly approaching the record for name changes before it’s even released, and simultaneously causing a stir amongst some activists and praise from others, Mel Gibson’s much talked about film, The Passion of the Christ has its teaser-trailer and website up and running.

The Trailer can been seen in really snappy Quicktime Right Here:


And the website is, mind-bogglingly enough, at

I must say, the trailer has got a few shots coupled with some epic-like music, that look really stinking nice. It also comes complete with a release date: Feruary 25, 2004

UPDATE: Dec. 8: The good people at Ain’t It Cool have the first review (Click Here) posted for ‘The Passion…” and it’s one nice review… Give it a go..
Update Dec 9: You know you’re doing a good job when.. Ain’t it Cool has posted two more reviews on “Passion…” one from a drifted Catholic and another from an atheist — and wouldn’t ya know it - they both loved it. Those reviews are here. The only “negative” review Aintitcool has posted about the movie, the author says he’ll see it again when it’s released. That one is here. So far, everyone has at least been drawn in, admired or been affected by the movie in some way - no matter what the stance. Not too Shabby.

Despite what some may say, I tip my hat to Mel for writing, directing, making and distributing a film, all because it’s something that means a lot to him. That says a lot right there. It’s nice to see the occasional “venture” made by someone when the issue of money isn’t so much ignored as it is completely irrelevant. Go Mel Go. I wouldn’t complain about another Road Warrior either.

Alien Quadriliogy DVD Feature List. Try Not to Choke On it All.

I’m sorry, I just had to do this as the amount of stuff in the Alien box set is practically stupid: Ready? Ready?.. Deep Breath.. and… GO!

Discs 1-2: Alien (1979)
-Theatrical version (117 min.)
-Extended cut (seamlessly branched) (137 min.)
-Commentary by Ridley Scott and technical crew
-1.85 anamorphic, English 5.1 DTS, English 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 2.0 Surround, THX Certified
-Preproduction: Star Beast (developing the story), First Draft of Screenplay by Dan O’Bannon, The Visualists (direction and design), Ridleygrams (original thumbnails & notes), storyboard archive, Art of Alien (Cobb, Foss, Giger, Moebius), Truckers in Space (casting), Sigourney Weaver’s screen test with optional commentary by Ridley Scott, cast portrait gallery
-Production: Fear of the Unknown (Shepperton Studios, 1978), production gallery, The Darkest Reaches (Nostromo and alien planet), The Sets of Alien, The Eighth Passenger (creature design), The Chestburster (creature design)
-Post-Production: Future Tense (music and editing), 8 deleted scenes, visual effects gallery (photo archive), A Nightmare Fulfilled (reaction to the film), poster explorations, special shoot, premiere

Discs 3-4: Aliens (1986)
-Theatrical version (137 min.)
-Extended version (154 min.)
-Commentary by Michael Biehn, Jenette Goldstein, Carrie Henn, Terry Henn, Lance Henriksen, Gale Anne Hurd, Pat McClung, Bill Paxton, Dennis Skotak, Robert Skotak and Stan Winston
-2.35 anamorphic, English 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 2.0 Surround, THX Certified
-Pre-Production: 57 Years Later (continuing the story), Original Treatment: by James Cameron, Building Better Worlds (from concept to construction), The Art of Aliens (conceptual art portfolio), Pre-Vis Anamatics,
Preparing for Battle (casting & characterization), Cast Portait (still gallery)
-Production: This Time It’s War (Pinewood Studios, 1985),
-Production Gallery (photo archive), Continuity Polaroids, The Risk Always Lives (weapons and action), Weapons and Vehicles (photo archive), Bug Hunt (creature design), Beauty and the Bitch (Power Loader vs. Queen Alien), Stan Winston’s Workshop (photo archive), Two Orphans (Sigourney Weaver and Carrie Henn)

Post-Production: The Final Countdown (music, editing and sound), The Power of Real Tech (visual effects), Visual Effects Gallery (photo archive), Aliens Unleashed (reaction to the film), Film Finish & Release, Easter egg (A Boy and His Power Loader)

Discs 5-6: Alien 3 (1992)
-Theatrical version (114 min.)
-Restored work print version (155 min.)
-Commentary by Terry Rawlings and crew
-2.35 anamorphic, English 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 2.0 Surround, THX Certified
-Pre-Production: Development (concluding the story), Tales of the Wooden Planet (Vincent Ward’s vision), The Art of Aceron (conceptual art portfolio), pre-production part III featurette, storyboards, Art of Fiorina, Xeno-Erotic (H.R. Giger’s redesign featurette)
-Production: Production part I featurette, Production Gallery (photo archive), Furnace Construction (time-lapse sequence), Adaptive Organism (creature design), ADI Workshop, E.E.V. Scan Multi-Angle Vignette, Production part II
-Post-Production: Post-Production part I, Optical Fury (visual effects), Music, Editing and Sound, Visual Effects (photo archive), Post-Mortem (reaction to the film), Special Shoot

Discs 7-8: Alien Resurrection (1997)
-Theatrical version (109 min.)
-Extended cut (119 min.)
-Commentary by Jean Pierre Junet and crew
-Intro (extended cut only)
-2.35 anamorphic, English 5.1 DTS, English 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 2.0 Surround, THX Certified
-Pre-Production: From the Ashes (reviving the story), First Draft Screenplay by Joss Whedon, French Twist (direction and design), Under the Skin (casting and characterization), Test Footage #1 (hair/makeup), ADI Effects, Mark Carro Photo Gallery, The Art of Resurrection (conceptual art gallery), storyboards, Pre-Visualizations (multi-angle rehearsals)
-Production: Death from Below (underwater photography), In the Zone (the basketball scene), production gallery (photo archive), Unnatural Mutation (creature design), ADI Workshop, ADI Test Footage
-Post-Production: Genetic Composition (music), Virtual Aliens (computer generated imagery), A Matter of Scale (miniature photography), Visual Effects Gallery (photo archive), Critical Juncture (reaction to the film), Special Shoot (promotional photo archive), Easter egg (Alien extra)

Disc 9: Bonus disc
Alien Legacy , Alien Evolution, Experience in Terror (promotional featurette ‘79), Ridley Scott Q&A
Alien Laser Disc Archive: Part I (pre-production), Part II (production), Part III (post-production), theatrical trailer A, theatrical trailer B, TV spot (Egg), TV spot (Now Playing)

Aliens Laser Disc Archive: Part I (pre-production), Part II (production), Part III (post-production), theatrical trailer A, teaser trailer, domestic trailer, international trailer, TV spot (Now Playing)

6 trailers, 7 TV spots

Theatrical teaser, 2 theatrical trailers, 4 TV spots, Bob Burns Alien Collection
Dark Horse Still Gallery

DVD-ROM (script to screen comparison)
Widescreen anamorphic format

Disney breaks a record as the Mutiny starts brewing.

Well, as it would seem, Disney is a rich company. Who woulda thunk it? MSNBC reports here that Disney broke a record for reaping a box office intake of more than 3 billion dollars. 3 Billion!.. Do you now how old I’d have to be before I saw 3 Billion dollars? 8600 Years! - And that’s if everyone suddenly started tipping well (as if you’d start doing that). As it seems, Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean made a few dollars this year. Way to go. Sort of.

In happier news, there’s a bunch of people at Disney that are unhappy with the way Michael Eisner is running the country…er.. I mean, the company. Roy Disney, who is currently stepping down from his position on the Disney Board has voiced himself in a rapid-spreading email through the company that

“Michael Eisner has lost sight of the vision upon which the company was founded. … The focus has shifted to the chase for the quick buck instead of a dedication to new and high-quality ideas.”

…And with news of the 3 billion dollars coming in, I say a big “AND HOW!”

(High quality ideas can be found in Pixar stuff, The Iron Giant and Stuff From Japan.) Speaking of which, this is apparently the link to the Quicktime Trailer of the new Innocence: Ghost in the Shell…

— If you can read japanese, I’d recommend the Innocence website - very slick stuff.

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