This entry was posted on Sunday, November 23rd, 2003 at 12:29 am.
Categories: News Chat.

Do You Have Any Idea How Many Movies You Could’ve Seen By Now If You Would Stop Supporting Lame Network Stations That Are Playing Nothing But Michael Jackson Anecdotes?

Enough Already. It’s Pretty Sad When The Statement “Get A Life By Staying Inside And Watching Movies All Day” Is A Self-Improvement.

Since Media Is Finally Not Looking, I Think Bennifer Should Get Married RIGHT NOW. Go.

One Comment, Comment or Ping

  1. Rodney

    That is funny! I was thinking the same thing about Bennifer. Those two have put on such an on again off again act for so long now that I was starting to think that all of THAT was the act. I think they just want to have a wedding without all the papparazzi climbing over the fences and helicopters. They could announce a wedding right now and no one would believe them.

    Never cry wolf