The New Punisher Trailer is Online and Crammin Whoop-A** Down Your Throat.

Posted by on 04. 11. 2003in News Chat

At the time of this writing, the new full trailer for The Punisher has been Online for about 20 minutes — and it’s been kickin’ my a** for about 19 minutes.

Thomas Jane - (also known as “The guy everybody thinks might be Christopher Lambert”) looks like he might be doing one sweet job with this one. — John Travolta is finally playing a bad guy again. (That boy needs a hit movie like I need to get la… never mind). Or, Never mind the fact that Rebecca Romijn-Stamos is in it… or that tons of stuff gets blown up… repeatedly.

This trailer is also playing in front of The Matrix Revolutions on Wednesday, guaranteeing this movie will make more dollars than I have seconds in my life.

Mmmm Revenge is sweet - and looks so cool with Drowning Pool’s “Bodies” playing in the background… Check Out The Trailer Here before doing anything else stupid - like school work.

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2 Responses to “The New Punisher Trailer is Online and Crammin Whoop-A** Down Your Throat.”

  1. Ty says:

    Hmmmmm… be completely honest, I think the trailer is actually quite lame. From the cheezy and obvious family scene at the beginning, to the overused shot of Travolta stabbing some schmoe and making it intimate(and therefore extra-psychotic)by getting his face real close-like. No real fighting scenes, just close-ups of the dude holding his gun, or knife, or compound bow, or whatever. And let’s not forget to mention the exciting scene of the car crashing through a wooden barricade like you see at the mall parking lot. Wow! I won’t even go into how brutal the dialogue is; it speaks for itself.

    I don’t usually rant like this, but I find it hard to believe that anyone could watch this trailer for 19 minutes. I’m sure this movie will be better than the trailer leads me to believe. Maybe they just didn’t have any of the cool scenes filmed yet.


  2. D Lap says:

    Sorry, did that make it sound like I had been WATCHING it for 19 minutes?, cuz good grief, I couldn’t even do that.

    and yes, the elements are pretty typical — you’re the second person I’ve heard say somthing about dialogue - I didn’t even notice dialouge.. there must’ve been what, 3 lines spoken — unless you’re talking about the narrative - which, in and of itself, is again simple.

    I’m more or less excited about the movie itself rather than the trailer, but since the trailer is all I’ve got, then I have to make do.

    So yes, it’s not the greatest trailer ever, or even a great trailer in its own right. - I do think that they could’ve thrown in a few more “action-y” shots when the music picked up, instead of really rapid editing between just shots of the Thomas, but whatever. It’s just a trailer about a movie that I’m excited about - that’s what I meant, it just doesn’t sound nearly as interesting.