New Spiderman 2 teaser-trailer news!

UPDATE December 15th 2003:: the Spiderman 2 Teaser Trailer is online! Click Here for the Little Version!!or Click THIS for the Wonderful Hi-Res Quicktime Downloadable Version

As if going to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King wasn’t already amazing! The good folks at Counting Down give us this little bit of news:

Sony has confirmed earlier reports that the trailer for Spider-Man 2 will be attached to The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King on December 17th. It will hit the net two days earlier on the official site:

We’re excited to announce that your first look at the Spider-Man 2 teaser trailer is coming next month. The first theatrical target is The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King on December 17th, so many theaters will be showing the Spider-Man 2 trailer during the previews before that movie. But the experience begins on the web - starting December 15th, you’ll be able to watch the preview exclusively online! Visit to watch.

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3 thoughts on “New Spiderman 2 teaser-trailer news!

  1. — Well, Jack (who cares), since you’re not busy posting someone else’s reviews, if you had read what he wrote, he didn’t say it was another Lord of the Rings movie, but a movie about “Ancanar” who is sole heir to land within the world Mr. Tolkien wrote about.

    If you still don’t believe him / us, This is the IMDB listing:

    -and this is the Ancanar official website:

    - Take it up with them if you think it’s false. Mind you, everyone will think you’re on the shrooms.

  2. There is another lord of the rings movie after return of the king?? I can hardly believe that at all…go away you fucking liars!!!!

  3. An added bonus to the return of the king, how cool is that??

    I have some exciting news about a new movie that alot of lord of the ring fans will want to hear more of…

    Ancanar is the name of a new Movie which is being developed by Elemental Films and Light Pirate Pictures with director Sam. R. Balcomb & producer Raiya Corsiglia. Ancanar is an original story written by director Sam. R. Balcomb and is set in the world created by J.R.R. Tolkien. It is about Ancanar a man who is the sole heir to the Rammoth Valley and its fortunes. He must search the Elven city where he hopes to find the redemption for himself and his family.

    Could be very good but we will have to wait for i don’t know much about this so i’m goijng to the official site!!

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