Mask of Zorro 2 is on it’s way

Posted by on 13. 11. 2003in News Chat

Yes, Antonio is back. I don’t know how I feel about this. I really enjoyed the first Mask of Zorro film. I thought it was cute and Anthony Hopkins was AMAZING in it. But the story was told. It was done. I’m not really sure why they feel the need to go back to it. Are Antonio Banderas and Catharine Zeta Douglas Jones really just hard up for a hit film? I don’t know. Teletext reports the following:

Antonio Banderas has revealed that the Mask Of Zorro sequel will be “deeper” than the first film. He said: “Steven Spielberg said to me, ‘We want to make more of an adult movie, talk about more of the human stuff and the relationship between you and your wife’.” Banderas added that the film would still contain stunts and would probably begin shooting in March in San Miguel De Allende, Mexico

Something else that worries me about this project is that fact that it looks like Anthony Hopkins is also returning for the film. Ummm√¢‚Ǩ¬¶ didn’t he DIE in the last one?!?! I love Hopkins, but to have him back in the sequel (even if it is just for some flashback scenes) is just a pathetic stunt to put some “name” power in the film. This suggests that the story won’t be strong enough to stand on it’s own. Oh well, time will tell.

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19 Responses to “Mask of Zorro 2 is on it’s way”

  1. dave-bro says:

    a deeper Zorro? do we care about zorro’s relationship with his wife???… we want to know how his day went at work?? or do we wanna see hundreds of mexicans get speared by some acrobatic ninja-like kado mask guy? (that’d be zorro…) please spare the drivel-ish plot…i’ve already seen revolutions thankx :)

  2. Rodney says:

    Putting Anthony Hopkins in this film would make as much sense as Sean Connery appearing in Highlander2.

    Oh wait, Connery WAS in Highlander2, but then that didn’t make any sense either. I guess Catherine and Antonio are dealing with the reality that adding their names to the banner doesnt automatically qualify it as a blockbuster. Better let Sir Hopkins tag along for some credibility and glitz.

    Of course, Hopkins could appear as Curly’s gold seeking bitter twin brother Duke… er… nevermind

  3. the webmaster says:

    The first mask of zorro was an excellent mix of romance, comedy and action. Making it a very enjoyable movie. I thought it was an excellent movie but is there anything new to offer in this one which the first has already done? I think not, will audiences flcok to see the mask of zorro repeat his z on the screen all again? I don’t think so. There wasn’t anything memorable in the first one, nothing that the audiences can think, ‘o yeah i remember that bit…classic moment that’

    Sorry if your looking forward to this but think of it this way. There are some excellent movie coming out next year, can this stand up on its own to feet? I’ll leave that question to you…

  4. Kent says:

    The first Zorro by Martin Cambell is my favorite movie. I think a sequel is a great idea. But it has got to be done right or it will make the outlook on the first one bad.There is no way that this sequel will be as good as the original. I will be suprised if this sequal lives up to the original. I would love to see Hopkins in this one because he made the first one terrific but he died and that would kind of be dumb.The story was wonderful in the first one and I know it can’t be beat. The new one needs a new story but have the same feel of the first.I really am looking forward to it but Im afraid because most sequels dissapoint me.Its GOT to have the same music and theme as the first, if James Horner doesnt do the films music then I wont enjoy it as much.That music gave the feel of mexico and zorro.It should have the action,love story,and comedy that the first had.I have to say the first Zorro is my favorite movie of all time.SO Please dont mess it up with a bad sequel.Make this movie great like the first and I will be satisfied.

  5. Alannah says:

    I agree that a sequel would be a good idea because I loved the first and Catherine, Antonio and Anthony were all superb in it. Sure a sequel is hit or miss but maybe you should just wait and watch the movie before you make assumptions, after all there are always baddies to defeat and with the same cast I dont see why it wouldnt be up to par, and if they bring Anthony back it would only be as a flashback of some sort and whats wrong with that?

    I am nothing if not an optimist :)

  6. gonzo says:

    The first mask of zorro was awesome so why shouldn’t the second one be just as cool? I can’t wait for the sequel to “the mask” to come out! And I can’t believe the men that are against it! Did you not see Catherine Zeta in the first one? Gosh, I mean come on. That in itself should influence your opinion of a 2nd movie.

  7. Mrs. Banderas* says:

    Antonio is absolutely wonderful no matter what he does. His beauty and well, more beauty are the only things I need. I loved TMoZ, and don’t think another is necessary, but I’m gunna see it despite my premature opinion.Only Antonio himself could keep me from the movie. Also, Catherine Zeta Jones is completely amazing… but Antonio is definetly hotter by far!

  8. Catti_brie says:

    I think having a second mask of zorro is a great idea but only if it is done right. Putting Hopkins in again might work but ONLY if they use him in small flashbacks. If they bring him back to life the story just goes in the dumps. Having a deeper story will be great for some people but for most people they just want to see zorro kick butt. Hopefully they can incorporate both into this new movie. If so this movie will be one of my favorite movies of all time!

  9. LAURIE says:


  10. SUSANNAH BRE\' says:

    YOU suck!!!!

  11. SUSANNAH BRETZ says:

    you suck!!!!! B-

  12. adam bumley says:

    hahahahaha i fink ur gay lick my nipples

  13. Monica says:

    I love the mask of zorro I hope u make this next one an even better one than the first. When is the next one coming out.

  14. o jay says:

    great wen its d movie coming out its takin long.i wanna see it

  15. adam bumley says:

    i luv big gay diks i think zoro is very fit and would like to him in a porno get bummed of captain love and watch don rapheal montero shove his fingers down his throadt afta he has fingered his ass i luv u all big blokes with large willys n sweaty scroats

  16. connor mcevoy says:

    the mask of zorro is good and be part of it

  17. connor mcevoy says:

    zorro is in love with his wife and the bad guy came took him and put him dead

  18. Adam Bumley says:

    well what can i say i put that post up there i have had no reurn emails so i would like ot add that i do like big dicks (if u got alil one still email i wont laugh) i love sweet scroats exp when they been washed i like hairy arse holes yeah the shit turns me and the smell of the cheese please email as i am feeling very horney at the moment and would like to be bummed have to men infront of me rubbin oil in to there fit muscle body and getting harxd as they are doing it i would also like them to come up to me and start rubbing oil on my dick and round my hairy belly button i would also love and fat man to sit on my face and fart and let me suck his dick whilst he pisses if u are intrested email me thanks :)

  19. Jocelyn says:

    I loved the first movie! I thought the idea of having an origonal zoro was fantastic, and Anthony was definately THE part for it. I understand he might be appearing in the sequel, while as we all know and saw he died in the first. I supose there’s chance he could still be alive, or maybe there are flash backs and such. I’m very much looking forward to seeing this new movie and hope it is not a disapointment.


    Jocelyn - 15