Greatest Trilogy of all time?

Posted by on 07. 11. 2003in News Chat

What do you think is the greatest Trilogy of all time?
The Godfather
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings

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13 Responses to “Greatest Trilogy of all time?”

  1. Day-vuhl says:

    Where’s the option for Back to the Future??!!!! DAH!!!! For Shame!!

  2. striker says:

    i think that the greatest trilogy ever is either:
    1) Back to the future
    2) The matrix trilogy
    3) The lord of the rings

    I choose Matrix only because it is so inspirational and it captures your imagination more then the other trilogies or any other movies ever made. maybe the sequels are not the best ever but aslong as you can see the effort and spirit that has been into these movies, they will always be my favourite trilogy. You can piss all over my view but i think that i am correct even if others piss all over it.
    Yes the lord of the rings was mind-blowing but it never caught my imagination as much as the matrix did back in 1999. it was such a quiet movie at the time and for that, it felt mysterious and sexy. Nothing can touch that!

  3. Peter says:

    I read the post by striker and i began to think about the whole matrix movies once more and i suddenley realised how much these movies have changed cinema. They have changed it so much since back in 1999. It has changed cinema a way that the lord of the rings, back to the future has and thats that the matrix is something so original, so different that no movie has had the guts or brains to do it. Yes, and i was the one who said that Revolutions was very dissapointing. I take that back. Lord of the rings was not original, only its direction, it was based on a book. The matrix trilogy is the only movies out now that are so fresh and feel so original.

  4. Rodney says:

    A trilogy can only be gauged by how good the 3 go together as a whole. Voting for the Matrix because you liked the first one doesn’t make it a great trilogy. Plenty of effort goes into the creation of any film, and that doesn’t automatically qualify it for greatness. Implying that the Matrix changed film making is an exageration. They gave us that Bullet-time effect, nothing more. Matrix wasn’t original either, its based on a short story with a concept that is as old as science fiction itself. I loved the first one and that is how I will remember the film. As a single film. As far as I am concerned the others don’t count.

    Back to the Future was the first set of sequels (to my knowledge) that were actually filmed at the same time and released separately. This sort of planned trilogy is nothing new in Hollywood, its just become in style to do it. They are even considering filming the new Wonder Woman movie this way.

  5. striker says:

    i picked the matrix trilogy as ALL 3 OF THEM caught my imagination. I like them all!

  6. Peter says:

    HAHAHAhahahahahahahaaaaaaaa, it’s so funny because everyone is slagging off Revolutions saying it doesn’t answer all the questions etc but thats because you never really got the whole concept. You never really touched on the Wachowski’s vision, o well your loss

  7. peter says:

    O Rodney, rodney rodney, how dumb and weak you are. your just like all of the others…………………………………….

  8. Day-vuhl says:

    You know what, forget trolls, I say we should ban people who just blindly repeat “if you don’t get it, you’re stupid”

    Pete, you’ve made that point in other forums already. We get it. If you want to talk about how good a film is, great. If you want to disagree, great. Even if you think someone’s point isn’t vaild, great.

    However, quit wasting our time on the site by posting ‘if you don’t get it you’re stupid.’ everywhere. Now argue, validate, disagree all you like.

  9. peter says:

    Sorry, i love posting things

  10. Day-vuhl says:

    And I applaude you for loving to post things.. that’s what makes a movie site interesting — but post exactly what you said: “things”. Being plural. — It makes things much more interesting if you at least explain why you liked it or why you think the other person is wrong. (not that they are - because an opinion can’t be wrong in itself - an opinion is just an opinion.)

    But posting just the SINGLE thing of “you’re stupid if you don’t get it”. Doesn’t say, do or accomplish anything. Well enough of of my rambling… but seriously, we wouldn’t be around if people such as yourself didn’t stop by the site, so really, I can only add my two cents and then shove off.

  11. Dan says:

    I think that the best trilogy ever made is the lord of the rings, but i don’t know if i can say that yet because Return of the king could be shit, but i doupt that very much. It’s good because its faithful to the book. My second choice would be The matrix trilogy as they are kick-ass amazing, i love Reloaded the best as it is the only sequel that i think topps the first one. Revolutions is cool, and i can’t wait for another one to answer all the questions that were left at the end of Revolutions.

  12. Omikron Prime says:

    Just a quick comment to Rodney about the Back to the Future movies - contrary to popular opinion, and according to the “Production Notes” portion of the insert of the DVD of the trilogy, the first film was “originally conceived as a one-time production”. It was only later (when it became the highest-grossing film of 1985) that the producers decided to hash out the sequels, which I believe were filmed concurrently.

    And while we’re on the topic of Back to the Future, I think it should have stayed as a single movie. All that talk about Marty being “chicken” in the next two was retarded (sorry: mentally-challenged, or if you prefer “alternately-enabled in cognative-functioning-capacity”).