Alien Vs. Predator Teaser Trailer? .. Imagine that…

Posted by on 27. 10. 2003in News Chat

Well, it may be piggybacking on the whole “Freddy vs. Jason” thing — wait a minute, of course it is……

- But for whatever reason, after years of “hey, I heard they were making an Alien Vs. Predator movie…”, it’s actually making its way into your life. Oh Joy.

Ain’t it Cool reports that there is, in fact, a Teaser Trailer for this cinematic slice of Gold showing in front of the Director’s Cut of Alien, being re-released into theatres this week. Granted, my curiousity could easily get the better of me on this one - especially since I’d probably go see Alien anyway. — Mind you the very same (and very long) article also reports that the teaser completely SUCKS and “will get more laughs than Freddy vs. Jason’s trailer”. (which I kinda liked in a “wow, that’ll be ridiculous” kinda way)

Predator should win hands down I say.

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71 Responses to “Alien Vs. Predator Teaser Trailer? .. Imagine that…”

  1. Tanner says:

    The actual trailer is up online if you haven’t found it yet at

  2. Striker says:

    I REALLY like the alien and predator movies, and a vs movie is a cool idea but i think it will be as good as the original movies! So i’m not even getting excited about this movie!

  3. Pitt Gilman says:

    Sorry if this post is going to be a bit long…but I must disagree with you on the predatorr winning. First I think it is imperitive that we first begin by stating both species abilities for purpose of argument. Alien: Acid blood, hardened shell, double jaw, claws, tail, fast as shit, able to construct defensive environments from their own extrement, they can sense pheramones, they are very high in numbers, they can climb pretty much anything and they are strong as hell. Predator: Lots of cool gadgets and weapons, cloaking, self destruct, ability to jump really high, different vision modes. The alien is weak against some of the weapons that the predator had, but the predator is weak against the alien all together. The predator lost to arnold in the first movie. Arnold is a human. The alien has three classes, the drone, the warrior and the queen(face hugger too, but yeah whatever). In part 2 the aliens died very easily…they were drones. In part one the booger had to be flushed out of the air lock cause ripley couldn’t kill it. In part three it had to be soaked in lead cause ripley couldn’t kill it. And in part 4 (which blowed) it had to be sucked into space and they had to blown up cause ripley couldn’t kill it. They don’t give up. The predator was beaten by 1 human and killed him self…what a wuss. Though the AVP movie will probably suck and end with no winner…it will be interesting to see where they take this much awaited movie. It is supposed to be based on the idea that predators come to earth every 100 years or so to turn their adolescent kin into men with a hunt or something and they return to pyramids or aztec temples or some gay shit like that and have to fight aliens. But you know the humans will prevail…cause it’s a movie and the humans always prevail…so gay. It will be a good fight, but manno e’ manno, no weapons…the alien wuld win…and enviroment has a lot to do with it too. If an alien is running around all jolly in a jungle…’s prolly gonna get hurt, but if a pred head is in a’s history thucka. We shall see. Besides..aliens look cooler…things that rely on technology always die in the end. (we will al die…the robots will destroy us all)

  4. Pitt Gilman says:

    oh…ps…the alien can see the cloaked predator…sucks for the pred man…sheesh. And are there female predators…cause females always win…somehow they just do and it sucks.

  5. Day-vuhl says:

    Okay, I was at least followin ya until you got to the “alien can see the pred’s cloak”, maybe I’m forgetting something, but how’d you arrive at that one?

    And I wouldn’t necessarily disagree on the Numbers, but who’s to say there isn’t a million Predators? And I think in context, we’re talking one-on-one here - for the time being anyway.

    See, as for me, I find the Predator to be the coolest looking alien ever - granted that’s just opinion, but in Hollywood lingo, the coolest looking means you kick-tail. - And the guns and weapons, I dunno dude, the predator may not even hafta get close - besides the fact that, as you say, he wussed out by blowing himself up, the best the Alien could do would be tie. — Although yes, I must agree, in a hand to hand slapsies competition the Alien would take.

    - And you mentioned that the Predator was killed by one guy, but the final tally in the first Predator was: Humans: 1 Predator: 6 + all of Jim Hopper’s men. So in a way it took many humans to kill one. You did mention the weakness of the drones, but in regards to the “huge elaborate deaths” - like teh airlock and stuff, I submit they had to die in those big fancy ways because there was no other available means: No more bullets / a prison with no weapons and so on. And as far as climbing goes, let’s not forget the Predator’s uncanny jungle ability and the fact that he can skin a guy and string him 50 feet up in a few seconds. Not to mention the predator is methodical rather than just a big infesting bug. (no offense to the nasty creature.)

    Mind you, they could both take me to school. That doesn’t change the fact that I still won’t have an authentic Predator outfit for Halloween next year.

    But I won’t dispute the ‘female’ point, that’s a good one. Because, as that old guy said, “They can rip your heart of of your ass.”

  6. shane says:

    i think the predator is the best looking alien out of anyones drawings of what an alien looks like. the predator is the cooolest fast and furoshis alien and i really like the predetor i think the preds will win

  7. perry says:

    I thing that the predators will kick some serious butt!! The only reason why the predators blow themselves up after they have been defeated is so nobody gets to gather the highly sophisticated weapons and camouflage system. The Predators are kinda like soldiers: They have some honor!! Not like those bugs who are more like roaches and can’t think!! Remember when they let the “police officer” walk away in predator 2? Ibet that an alien would’ve never done that! And another thing: All the materials that the predators weapons are made out of are unknown to humans!! So, maybe they’re “acid resistant” just like their body armor! Yeah! The alien species will get some real butt kicking in this movie!! I betcha!

  8. striker says:



  9. perrin says:

    Okay this is for Day-vuhl, first off I think that the Alien will kick the Preds butt all over the place! Second the Alien sees pheremones so the Preds cloak won’t do jack! All the Alien has to do is get in close and the Pred is dead, no chance at all! And believe me the Alien CAN get in close!
    And the Aliens are real smart to just because they are sadistic bastards that love to kill doesn’t mean they aren’t smart! So all I have to say is watch out Predators!

  10. Day-vuhl says:

    Well, those are some nice points… (re-reading this, I’m spending WAY too much time dwelling on this considering both creatures don’t exist.. but who cares, on we go)…
    1) Who’s to say the Predator HAS pheremones? That might be a cheesy excuse, but this is Aliens vs. Predator we’re talking about, and since “pheremones” emitting from the Predator has never been covered, I doubt it would be. Who knows, maybe the Predator is an asexual being that doesn’t have a gender. Simply, I doubt the film would instantly eliminate the Predator’s cloak so easily.
    2) You said it right, *if* the alien can get close. Besides being good at hiding from humans, which would be irrelevant with the predator’s heat sensory vision, the aliens didn’t exactly move around with, how you say, grace. And granted, like I said, one on one in a slapsies fight, yeah the alien may win, but this ain’t the case. One nice shot from the predator’s multiple weapons and we’re talking history - the alien can’t stand up to too many human bullets, let alone that “blow yer innards till next Tuesday” Predator pulses. Weapons might sounds unfair, but so’s that pheremone deal.
    3) And the one area that neither will know about till the movie comes out is: sheer numbers. We have no I idea who numbers more than the other. So it really could go either way.
    4) and I stand by my “since the predator is the coolest looking alien ever - that means he wins” theory.

    Okay I must go to work or something equally boring.

  11. striker says:

    I think people are expecting that all predators are the same. If you have seen predator 2 then you would have noticed how different each predator was. My theory is that they all have different tactics, and are not all the same. Look how advanced the predator was in predator 2 then in 1. Or was that because the second was set in the future?? I don’t know! But my theory stands. Another thing is, in the predator movies they had weapons, but they could be specific weapons to wipe out humans. They could have very different weapons for aliens! I’m not just on the predators side, i am on both, they are both excellent!! So i’m not going to say who i think will win….but did anyone see the alien skull at the end of predator 2??

  12. Rodney says:

    Bottom line is everything you are arguing about is what makes this such an appealing match up. We can bark and holler all day about who we “think” will win, but its purely up to the writers who will drag their sorry carckas out of the ring.

    Over the Predator movies we see this alien hunter kill how many humans effortlessly? Then he happens to find one particularily skilled and resourceful human that kicks his dreads in. In the long run the Predator in question is bested by a simple human. In the Aliens movies we see hoards of killing machines tearing through a handful of humans only to be overcome by one skilled and resourceful human (maybe with an android’s help). So you can bicker over who you think will win between the Aliens and Predators, but Hollywood wont leave out your favourite carbon based lifeform. The Human.

    I vote that some clever fella will find some way to beat them both out and still be home for Christmas.

  13. InsaneRonin says:

    I am new here and would like to add my two cents because I am a huge fan of the series (comicbook series which has had the creators of all the movies work with them on most of the books, not the ‘games’ which everyone thinks was the first time this idea was brought to life).

    Hands down it would be a toss up between both races. Each one has good and bad things about them. However in the end it will, and this is from what constantly happens, a group of Space Marines or a single human (most likely a female) to come out the only survivor.

    Overall it does not really matters who wins as Rodney pointed out though. As long as it is done well (hopefully it will be done as well as most of the books and have nothing to do with the games) it will be fine by me.

    And no matter what, at least the effects will be nice.


  14. Day-vuhl says:

    oh, you guys and your spot on logic. Now look at what you did to our argument - it’s kaput. Everything’s all spelled out nice and simple and correctly … well.. Go Predator!! So There! Hmmfffpphhh!!!

  15. Don Rowe says:

    Ok lets believe for a moment that these two kick ass characters were brought together on the same planet at the same time. In a toe to toe, alien is going to rip predetor a new one, of that there can be no doubt. Now to digress slightly there is a species that would concider both of these creatures not worth bothering with. The Berli warrior is the future my friends, talk about rip ya head off and shit down yer neck hole. For example Imagine a creature with the nature of a great white shark only angrier, that is the size of a blue whale, well the Berli hunt these creatures unarmed for fun. If you wish to find out more about this truely amazing species then contact
    [email protected] and i shall fill you in. One way or another you will hear about it eventually i promise.

  16. Day-vuhl says:

    Ah, here’s me always running to the defense of the predator…

    Everyone is so quick to assume the alien would win - and, like I’ve said 1000 times: In a one-on-one, bare-fisted slapsies fight, then yes, the alien would, in fact, take.

    However, I highly doubt the title of the film is “Single Bare-fist Alien vs Single Bare-fist Predator” - SPECIES against species, the Predator is simply far too advanced. The Predator’s weapons give them an almost unfair advantage. I wouldn’t be surprised if the movie contains an event or two that leaves the Predator without them - because with them, the Predator species would so clearly be the winner, there’s almost no point in making a movie.

    “Well sir, this alien is very strong and limber, but each of these other aliens has a weapons arsenal on their back including an energy pulse gun that can a blow a two foot hole through the back of your torso.”

    The Freddy vs Jason fight came down to “Who’s world are they fighting in?” - because the answer gives a huge advance to one that practically determines the winner. With Alien vs. Predator, it will come down to “Does the Predator have his weapons?” - because if they do, no contest. Absolutely no contest.

    *And again*, if I’m wrong, which I’m not, but if I was, with the Predator’s self-destruct feature - they’d all die anyway. Leaving the very best the Aliens could do would be a Tie.

  17. Spectra says:

    Humm humm… Well some people forget that Predators anatomy is by far most resilient that an Alien one. The Predators(Yautja) are much more Stronger, thoughter, have a better stamina, they are build like a tank. They bones and muscles are immensely superior to both Xenormorphs and Humans; mean they can jump far higher and can drop from very high, about 100 feets at least without injuries (Predator 2). They are also very quick and very fast and live up to at least 300 years. They lift and throw things which only those bugs can only dream about, not to forget they (aliens) are very low intelligent species. The Queen is the central minds for those insects. Predators are so strong, that they can destroy roof train(Predator 2), small trees (Predator) with bare hands. They are able to rip your skin out of your skeleton and transport you easily in height even if you weigh 300 pounds. AND GUESS… The Yautjas are clever, smarter and by most of all Intelligent. So in one on one close combat with bare hands the Predators can kill Aliens but with close combats weapons not to mention their long range energy weapons and other stuffs, Aliens are History!Note: Female Predators are much taller and wider than male. They are also VERY MUCH MORE STRONGER. Also Predators blood are Aliens Acid resistant like their gears. Male height: 7 to 8 feets(average) and weigh about 500 pounds(average).

  18. Spectra says:

    Humm humm… Well some people forget that Predators anatomy is by far most resilient that an Alien one. The Predators(Yautja) are much more Stronger, thoughter, have a better stamina, they are build like a tank. They bones and muscles are immensely superior to both Xenormorphs and Humans; mean they can jump far higher and can drop from very high, about 100 feets at least without injuries (Predator 2). They are also very quick and very fast and live up to at least 300 years. They lift and throw things which only those bugs can only dream about, not to forget they (aliens) are very low intelligent species. The Queen is the central minds for those insects. Predators are so strong, that they can destroy roof train(Predator 2), small trees (Predator) with bare hands. They are able to rip your skin out of your skeleton and transport you easily in height even if you weigh 300 pounds. AND GUESS… The Yautjas are clever, smarter and by most of all Intelligent. So in one on one close combat with bare hands the Predators can kill Aliens but with close combats weapons not to mention their long range energy weapons and other stuffs, Aliens are History!Note: Female Predators are much taller and wider than male. They are also VERY MUCH MORE STRONGER. Also Predators blood are Aliens Acid resistant like their gears. Male height: 7 to 8 feets(average) and weigh about 500 pounds(average).

  19. Antihero says:

    The Aliens will wipe those filthy predators out!!!

    Aliens are the impersoned evils, the are fast, they are silent, they have no mercy.

    They are killing-machines, they won´t let get some fucked up predators between them and lunch!

    (i like the preds too even it doesn´t sound like, but aliens were, are and will be the coolest killingmachines ever!!!)

  20. TRASHER says:

    OK one more voice for the aliens!!!

    the preds are like soldiers, they are highly envolved etc… that means they are good fighters etc


    look if u got a hunter with a rifle and on the other side u have a real bad and angry lion, u never can say the human surely win this fight NOOOOO, maybe he√Ǭ¥ll hit the animal maybe not, maybe the animal won√Ǭ¥t die by the first shot,…

    another example
    take a very intelligent man with warexperience and weapons etc… and take a very dumb man which is born in the slums maybe he√Ǭ¥s dumb but he got the killerinstinct

    and after all the aliens are not really dumb, they are smart in another way, which is killing!!!
    they know when, where and how to attakc their enemys, and the cloaking device is very unusfull for the preds cause they can see them !!! the alien will wait until the right moment and will attack from behind, the pred won√Ǭ¥t even know whats happening their weapons etc won√Ǭ¥t help them….

    and what i really don√Ǭ¥t understand: in alien part 1 the alien is undestructable, it even survives the supernova of the spaceship, in the following parts they can be killed very easy with machineguns…
    after all it´s just a movie so let´s simply enjoy it, an alien meeting an predator

  21. Predatorfan says:

    Yeah, I just have a few things to say for both sides, even though the Predators are more than a match for the Aliens.
    First; the Aliens didn’t show up in infared in ALIENS so that eliminates the Predator’s main focus of vision. However; as seen in Predator 2, the species have advances in their helmets to see in other wavelengths of light and heat. Hell, maybe even radio/sound wavelengths.
    Another aspect of this is the aliens are able to see pheremones? That blows, because that’s how Peter Keyes (sp?) and his boys hunted the Predator in the second movie. However; the aliens have never been on the Earth. I hear the movie is to take place in Antartica (maybe both species can say hello to the Thing). Who says they are able to “see” in an environment that has a high content of life?
    Secondly; the aliens need hosts for their life cycle. They are portrayed very much like insects, mimicking their stages of development. Without hosts, the species is doomed. Which ties into my third point: The species is self-destructive. They populate, breed, and annihilate the very sources of life they depend on. Sounds rather parasitic to me.
    Lastly; its already been documented (Predator 2) that the species has hunted the aliens…and won!! That was a hell of a big alien skull in that ship.
    I think it’ll boil down to a Predator stalking some awesome human prize and the Alien gets in the way. It’ll be some stunning special effects, awesome action, and a tribute and toast to both franchises.

  22. TJ says:

    Noone knows for sure who will win.Both species have something better about them.I want them to team up mostly,to save earth.

  23. TJ says:

    I am a fan so huge of Aliens and Predators I want
    to have one as a friend!And I think I am the biggest fan of Aliens and Predators.

  24. kyle says:

    i am a long time fan of aliens vs predator and have all the games. I just wanna clear a few things up about the alien and predator issues. the reason the alens can see a cloaked predator is through sensing traces of their pheremones. its basically how they hunt considering they have no eyes. the number of alien classes is based on what the facehugger impregnates. for instance: remember on alien 3? dog alien a.k.a. “runner” class. the alien takes on the form of what ever species the facehugger is able to impregnate. pardon for repeating myself. there is rumor that a predalien will make an apperance in the movie. which is the result a an impregnated predator. most of these classes are not considered true aliens however. the only true aliens are the queen/empress, and the praetorian which is a smaller version of the queen but its main purpous is guarding the queen.the actual name of the species is “xenomorph”. the predator refer to their species as yautja. they have a honour code system that is basically a religion to them. which says they are “not to harm the unarmed or any female with child”. their helmet has four default vision modes which include thermal(human) electromagnetic (alien) ,predtech wich allows them to track themselves and their gear only,and normal (our vision) . for more info go to which also has the latest news on the movie

  25. kyle says:

    i am a long time fan of aliens vs predator and have all the games. I just wanna clear a few things up about the alien and predator issues. the reason the alens can see a cloaked predator is through sensing traces of their pheremones. its basically how they hunt considering they have no eyes. the number of alien classes is based on what the facehugger impregnates. for instance: remember on alien 3? dog alien a.k.a. “runner” class. the alien takes on the form of what ever species the facehugger is able to impregnate. pardon for repeating myself. there is rumor that a predalien will make an apperance in the movie. which is the result a an impregnated predator. most of these classes are not considered true aliens however. the only true aliens are the queen/empress, and the praetorian which is a smaller version of the queen but its main purpous is guarding the queen.the actual name of the species is “xenomorph”. the predator refer to their species as yautja. they have a honour code system that is basically a religion to them. which says they are “not to harm the unarmed or any female with child”. their helmet has four default vision modes which include thermal(human) electromagnetic (alien) ,predtech wich allows them to track themselves and their gear only,and normal (our vision) . for more info go to which also has the latest news on the movie

  26. miles says:

    i think the alien movie will be a kick ass movie . and i think the predator will win in the end there to bad ass and to dam smart . i dont agree with who ever said that the predator in the first movie was a wuss . lets see ytou go up against a fully armed special forces divsion and wipe almost all of them out i bet you cant get pasted the first marine . i wouldnt eiter so your not in the boat by yourself . but the fact is predators would win any witch way escecially if they blow them selves up cause then they can nuke both humans and aliens in one shot so there you have it predators will win .

  27. miles says:

    P.s any predators are cool as hell looking

  28. Richard Ramos says:

    Lets just clear some things up for the predators ok. Every one keeps saying that the predator was beat by one man in the first movie. Well if my memory serves me correct one women beat the aliens not once or twice or even three times but four times and in only in one movie part two did she have a gun and no military training. Now i dont mean to put the aliens down or anything like that they are very cool. But did you ever stop to think why in aliens 1 and 3 they did not have any weapons in the movie. Allow me to break it down for you. because when it comes to weapons aliens suck. come on think about it, the big scary alien going after poor DEFENSELESS people with no weapons. By any chance at all did you ever notice in the alien movies that when there were weapons present there happened to be a butt load of aliens to. Now why is that. Hmmm. Or may be you could explain to me how only ONE PREDATOR almost wiped out an entire marine squad but in aliens 2 it took a butt load of aliens to kill that marine squad. Or better yet may be some one could explain to me how Riply in aliens 2 goes by her self into the hive practically comes out with not even a scratch to then kick the queens butt again on the ship. Now i dont see where all this alien dominance is coming from. Like i said i dont mean to make the aliens sound weak but come on have you watched the movies. They are a tool for a great horror movie but a killing machine, i think not. Unless of course you let them run around eating poor defenseless people.(no disrespect)
    Now as for the predators what do you mean a alien has got him in hand to hand combat.The preds fight for fun and they are not weak like humans. They can rip a human head and spine right off a human. Then you dont even know if the aliens acid even effects the preds. You fail to realise that the movie plot is that five teen age preds go to hunt aliens every thousand years to become men. so in that case if there are two predator movies so i guess they beat the aliens as well. And the proof lies in predator two in his trophy case. Now the predators unlike aliens study their pray. aliens just see something move and they want to eat it. So the predators are not going to go in there being surprised they know exactly what they are up against. So would some one that thinks the aliens are going to win come up with a better excuse then the aliens are fast and ugly with acid. Now i know some predators will die but one will come out on top. Come on AVP the movie who ever wins we loose. Is any thing registering the humans are not going to win. Give both aliens and predators some credit there only the biggest scariest aliens that ever lived…

  29. Kollin Horn says:

    ok seriously i think predators will win because take in the facts deeply, armored skin=PREDS BARE HANDS BREAK HUGE ROCKS! doubled jaw=ONLY ONE MOUTH KILLS, OTHER EATS/PRED WILL RIP IT OUT OUT OF THIS WEEK TO NEXT YEAR! and yes predators are resistant to acid. AND its only stated in the game that aliens see pheromones when preds are cloaked so ITS FAIR DUMBASSES!!!!! i mean it would be un fair if they could because then the movie would be pointless. and the tail! what is wirth that shlit?!?!?it only whips and stuns so HA, i mean im on preds side(i am one, well partly)and xenomophes will get slaughtered. I mean you “slack jawed faggots”(blain in predator aka Jesse Ventura)exept the ones on preds side )look at the preds weaponry:wristblades,spear,energy pistol,spear gun,plasma caster,disk,netgun,remote bomb,energy flachette,and six bladed thowing/hacking star. aliens: claws,tail,barley head bite,and pounce(which is practicly useless against a pred!)so there. preds obviously win.

  30. Remingtone says:

    ok, in a fight in one aginst one a oredator could probally win…cause it has weapons. but the alien has something in place of that, there’s a reason they call it a hive where the aliens live…there’s ALOT of them. so while ur saying one alien gets killed by a predator, what about the one behind him, or above him, or the one latching on to the predator’s skull? there will have to be loads of aliens, or else the movie will be realy gay. and there has to be a queen, so as long as she doesnt get wiped out by the predator’s self explosion thing, the xenomorphs win. not even all the weapons in the universe can save the predators from SHIT loads of aliens, if u get my drift. if the aliens couldn’t get around the predator’s cloak, then the movie would still only last 10 minutes. the predator’s are also full of honor, correct? so in a fair fight, they might just drop their shooting weapons aginst one and just use the spear or the gaunlet blade thing. but now, another thing that is in my mind is that what about the humans. what is their reason if its called alien vs predator? they will probally just of course be gay…and win, even tho the aliens should of truely won, well anyway, i’m bored now…

  31. Leon worgan says:

    The aliens are the masters!!! Pred ryhmes with dead haha see they die.


    The preds have no chance the aliens will destroy them using their multiple vision helmet feature.

  32. Jonathan Mould says:

    Predator would win abit too easily really. 1 predator takes out almost all of a group of supposedly the best soldiers in the world, and then only loses to arnold swarchznegger because he gives him a chance- taking off his weapons and helmet and things, and still beats armnold swarchznegger up. Only reason he loses is cos arnold swarchznegger turns into a superhero and hides in the mud, which is quite silly really. Loads of aliens fight a group of marines, and get beat. Theres gonna be more than one predator in the film so if its realistic, its gg aliens.

  33. Remingtone says:

    o yea, alot of people say that the predators have acid proof armor and weapons….well….their armor isnt a full body suit, thats for sure, and their skin could not possibly be acid proof. my complete theory is that the predators are gonna walk in there with a little to much confidence and get a sharp spiny tail shoved up their ass. and what would make the movie cooler or worse is if a predator got hit by a face hugger, for me that would be awesome no matter what, however i’m a nerd, i wouldn’t care. but if its role in the movie is realy stupid, then maybe MAYBE even i would think its stupid. but this movie will have to rock, or else they wouldn’t of made it…

  34. Remingtone says:

    o yea…while most people say that the predator is so much stronger than the alien….ok….ok….that might just probally be true. but there is no way the predator is faster, even with all of that armor and weapons off, its still way to slow to even defend against an alien. and dont tell me the predator aint gonna shit his pants when an alien just shoots out of that vent onto his face like a cannon, once again…there is NO FUCKING WAY that the predator is gonna win this fight.

  35. Day-vuhl says:

    “Even with all that armour and weapons off?”

    Why would he have armour and weapons off? - I mean sure, Even *IF* the predator was slower than the alien (debatable), I highly doubt the alien can outrun the predator’s pulse cannon fire — and since aliens are too clunky too even dodge a slow moving “punch” from a cargo lifter, a pulse blast would rip through him like a cellmate.

    And like I’ve always said, even if the predator “won” with the predator’s self-destruct, the best the alien could do would be Tie.

  36. Remingtone says:

    trust me, this wont end. Ok, like i said before(not sure if i did), that shoulder cannon weapon is way to slow, not to shoot, but before another shot can be made. This all goes back to my theory about even if the Predator completly mauls one….what about the alein behind him, or above him, or the one biting his freakin face mask off? If it was killed at that range the acid blood would completly work the predator. What if he’s dead….he cant exactly turn on that bomb now can he. The Xenomorphs were built for colonies, there’s way to many of them to say that the Predator’s could take them down.

  37. Remingtone says:

    ok, i need to defend the aliens for future days of me not looking at this. People say how easily the aliens were beatin in the second one, a group of marines defeat the whole alien race, and one pred takes out a marine squad or something like that. In the second aliens they were drones, and in 1 and 3 they were much more like warriors(with small differences). Drones, according to their name were not ment for combat, so they just kinda ran into battle like idiots. and they had weapons in Alien 1, so it was a group of people with weapons against one warrior, and the warrior killed all but one. So that pretty much evens out the score.

  38. Day-vuhl says:

    I think you’re stuck in the thought maintained in the first Predator: There’s only one of them.

    There’s no pretext whatsoever to guess that there will be countless aliens and only one or two predators. 50 predators vs 50 aliens - my bet still goes to the predators.
    - and as far as shooting goes, the cannon barrels right through yards of flesh and bone and armour in a single shot.. and can shoot at least once a second - as seen in the “panic” fire in the first Predator.

    And like I close every time, with the self-destruct feature, the best the aliens could do would be tie.

  39. Remingtone says:

    There’s only 5 predators in Alien vs Predator, so that takes out the equal of each thing, and it isnt impossible to kill all the predators before they can turn on their self-bomb thing. So I still stand with the aliens, they rock.

  40. Richard Ramos says:

    ok, ok everyone just hold on for a second. we have to many people baseing things on the video game rather than what they have actually seen in the movie. for instance the aliens being so much faster than the predators. ARE YOU SERIOUS? name what movie that it showed the great speed of the alien. in part three of aliens the dog alien was having trouble catching people at the end of the movie and these were probably 30 year old men. so please would every one stop baseing everything off the games.

  41. Richard Ramos says:

    Another thing has any one taken the time to even consider the facts. well allow me to help some people, first of all if you know any thing about the script you would see the the predators send five teenage preds to go to this temple and Survive to become men. NOW STOP AND THINK. the preds obviously
    built these temples and also have the technology
    to keep the aliens from getting out. lets see and since there have been two predator movies already i guess it is posible for the preds to win not to mention all the other preds the showed up in predator part 2 at the end. hmmm?

  42. Richard Ramos says:

    sorry, one more thing, Remingtone does have point with the pred being attack from different places by multiple aliens. but then again i go back to my statement the preds have obviously survived in the past and have won. we must realize that this whole event is a test for the preds. survival of the best, so will all five preds come out alive? NO, of course not, but i guarantee one of the preds will win and become a man. also some people are making it sound like the preds are going in there and are going to be surprised and wiped on. WELL, LET ME TELL YOU A LITTLE STORY ABOUT NO… the preds have done this for thousand of years. so there not going in there not knowing the aliens have acid for blood, come on people really watch the movies. you would know the preds are like the greatest hunters and they are far from stupid. So let me just say that this will be a great movie and all you people that keep on saying that paul anderson sucks can just with all do respect, SHUT UP! he is the only one that had the guts to make a movie like this so please cut the guy some slack and if you watch the new trailer that is out for alien vs predator you would probably understand what i am talking about, the movie looks great!

  43. dgfrwshsd says:

    preds badass aliens badass avp badass

  44. joachim says:

    why do guys hate the predator so? why should the ultimate hunter be bested by the lousy alien or human anyway.may be the so cold monster(pred) should win this time. u guys try the game( and mind of the pred) you’ll prove who’s better director or no. so stop here ah.

  45. Nate says:

    Predator eaten by arnold.
    Alien beaten by a chick.

    Come on…Arnold could take a whole hive out by himself, and when a chick beats the alien “warrior” without any military training your species has a problem.
    Preds win hands down.

  46. Spades says:

    Let me clear things up for you all…..Predators do not have acid resistant armor..where did u all get that from?? Predators do send their “younglings” out to fight Aliens on many planets to become “blooded” Predators. Predators do have superior weaponry and technology on their side…..Aliens can easily be killed by a machinegun but they r fast and r good at sneaking up on people. And no, I didn’t say “sneaking up on ‘Predators’”. In this movie, the Preds are expecting to fight Aliens… humans could get the drop on the Predators because the Preds try to hunt where humans r not at…they won’t be in thermal vision ready to fight people. The people get the surprise of both species and will probably be very cowardice. The reason why slews of Aliens were killed b4 killing 1 marine is because they don’t value life at all, they r in for killing…they r very fierce. And 1 of them lives…it can become a Queen and start it’s colony all over again…so u have to kill em all…..not too easy to do. And yes, 1 Predator could blow up the whole place but they won’t add that to the movie plus all a person has to do is cut off it’s left arm and the bomb is disarmed (Predator II). But the humans may not know that that is all u have to do, but if it is killed by an Alien may I recall that Aliens shred their victims and would probably kill it b4 it could arm it’s bomb and if it does arm it, the Alien would surely chop off it’s left arm in the process of shreding it’s body to pieces. The Aliens didn’t kill Ripley in the second movie when she was in the hive is because they won’t do anything that will bring the Queen to harm and the Queen won’t do anything to bring her eggs to harm….that’s why in the book Aliens:Nightmare Ausylum, the General could walk into the Queen’s hive w/ a lighter and put it to an egg and the drones and the Queen didn’t even touch the General. Also, the Queen sees all that all the other drones see all at once according to the books….and she is the most intelligent out of all the Aliens. And by the way, if anyone has seen Predator II they know that the Pred has many more vision modes than 4 like on the game..someone count just how many were featured on the movie alone..then add the ones from the game, and possibly many more not shown on the movie or the game.So if the Predator wants to find you, it will…..One problem is that the alien can see all species at one time, the Predator has to switch its vision mode first b4 it can be aware of what all is around it…the Alien can see it all…..the human…why bother, they have very weak vision compared to the other 2. I know this is a very long post so I’ll end it, and I’m not for any species, I just wanna watch and see what happens.

  47. Spades says:

    1 more thing, if a predator and an Alien go one on one, w/ just their fists…where do u all get that the Predator will win, it has what u could consider claws…..after all it shoved it’s hand through one of the dead people’s back after killing him near the end of the movie b4 the final fight (Predator I), but the Alien has claws, a tail, and a double jaw that can lunge out of it’s mouth……..the Predator could possibly win the fight, but the only way I could imagine would be by tearing the Aliens head off, and I believe a Pred could do that, but chances r it won’t have time to get that kind of grip on the Alien’s neck, and even if it accomplished this, loads of acid would fall on the Pred and he would probably get burnt to death…..not a very pleasant way to die I’m sure. So I’m thinking that the Alien could easily take out an unarmed Predator…..but, on the movie, the Predators will surely have their weapons so this fight will probably never be seen…..but I assure you that if it did happen that the Alien would win 999 times out of 1000….that’s my estimate, but there’s always that chance that the Pred will win.

  48. Spades says:

    1 last and final thing (I hope… Predators can fall from great distance w/o sustaining any damage and can jump very high w/ a crouch and a leap……..but Aliens can jump much higher w/ a crouch and can fall from any distance w/o sustaining any damage whatsoever… the ant, or practically any other insect or bug….in fact the Alien is much like a bug in all of it’s characteristics, like crawling on walls for example……..that’s the reason why they r often refered to as a “bug”.

  49. zhimajiru says:

    lets break these words down….
    alien- a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized and is still a subject or citizen of a foreign country; broadly : a foreign-born citizen
    predator- one that preys, destroys, or devours
    both taken from the same site-
    while this really pertains no real correlation to the upcoming movie (seeing as how illegal immegrants aren’t huge spiky menacing beasts from space) its just an interesting fact…
    my votes for the alien, main reason: Day-vuhl is right, everything that looks cool kicks ass… spades, your analogy, with the lion and the hunter should be more like this: the most advanced weapon specialist on the planet versus the lion, he is armed with a rocket propelled grenade launcher… hmm… as for numbers, in the alien movies they seem to put an emphasis on the alien’s numbers as their strength, all we can do is wonder as for the predator’s numbers. Although the aliens “learn quick(ly)” id say they’re not even as smart as earth’s primates or dolphins. Granted, thats my opinion, but im sure it is not exclusive. With or without the benefit of the doubt in the numbers department, predator still owns… but here is my prediction, it doesnt take a whole lot of hollywood experience to know this, there will be no “hands down winner.” And i wouldnt be surpised if they even changed some of the attributes of the creatures in question to make such a clash possible. (I hope they dont ruin the end by having the humans win, too. For once, id like to see the earth overrun with predators in an all out battle…)

  50. zhimajiru says:

    falling from great distances? what makes you think the aliens will be alive whilest falling?
    but the fact of the matter is, we simply dont have enough information about these two species to know, theres to many variables to narrow down the exact winner… on that note ill restart the arguement by saying what if they do have acid resistant armor?

  51. ace says:

    I think the preds would win.But the aliens are cool too.The predators are the ultimate hunters its what their life is about.As far as close quarter combat im not real sure.Cause the predator is skilled in close combat.But the alien is a vicious beast up close.But none of yall have to worry im sure they’ll have the humans win.But the aliens and preds both are really cool.

  52. Jeffrey says:

    This page is awsome and Predator will kill alein no duet

  53. zhimajiru says:

    when does that movie come out anyway?

  54. shamus says:

    The pheramone thing: I guess people did watch predator 2. Sikes(or whatever his name was) detected the damn predator from his pheramones. So the predator does have em.

    As for aliens being able to learn fast, they better be able to learn thousands of years worth the information the predators have in a few days, otherwise that pred technology is going make sum acid stew.

    Both species have been defeated by humans; however predators to a much less degree. An alien hive is essentially one entity. One predator verse a hive? I have doubts there…

    So basically you people are all arguing bullshit because you don’t know the details of the environment. We will know who wins when we know how many aliens, how many predators(and the extent of their weaponry, which maybe able to cloak the pheramones too :p) , and does the battle take place in an enclosed cavernous environment, outside in an open environment, or something else

  55. Gabriel says:

    Predators are sure to win. Technology and intelligence wins the battle every time. Just look at humans and animals. Sure physically a shark or a lion or a crocodile could make quick and sloppy work of a human but the big advantage humans have is the ability for logical thought and technology, this is paralelled to the AVP scenerio. The Alien is no more than a vicious beast. The predator is like a hardcore hunter on safari. The only way the Alien is going to win is if their numbers are just so sheer that they overwhelm the predators. But in simple one on one the Alien would get it’s acidic ass handed to itself.

  56. Beren Camlost says:

    I think one this is being missed here, the predator movies had them fighting 80′s soldiers and policemen…. the Aliens movies had soldiers with pulserifles and flamethrowers and smartguns. When the alien was defeated by ripley it was almost always cuz she threw it out the airlock…. she never really killed it except for reserrection which in she had a pulserifle again. Aside from that the predator’s choosing the terran gives them a big advantage, but at the same time the predator’s goal isn’t to come in and kill all the alien’s it is to hunt. Anyway movies about to come out and I can’t wait although the human’s will win because human’s always win no matter what.

  57. Zach k says:

    I think, (although i may be wrong. Still young baby yah) that the Predetor is gonna kick some butt, but theres also the fact like many have pionted out, the sheer numbers. Any general would be proud to have thousands of soldiers, even if they are un quipped and a lil slow (lil stupid i have seen reserection sucked). Also look at this, if the huggers can get pace the mask on Predetor, then screaw that, im going with aleins. Cause that is thier bases. Get a hugger on your face and your screawed, unless the Predetors have the Tech to take them out safly. I think in the end the humans will side with one, and i think it’ll be predetors. They even though they are alien to us, are in a since, like us in many ways. But dont ake my word cause im still young. Anywho, later yall im gonna see the movie when it comes out. GO PREDETORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. Reade says:

    Why do I keep hearing stuff about the predators being SO much stronger? If you guys will think back to “Aliens”, there was one scene where Ripley was behind a really thick steel door - and one alien alone was punching the door and putting HUGE ASS DENTS IN IT! So, as far as all this business about Predator being stronger because it can punch through walls or whatever, remember this - Aliens can punch through thick ass steel. Think about that.

  59. Hieu says:

    I can beat them both and humans.
    ( ^ _ ^ )

  60. Yourwrong says:

    yea, so in my opinion Predators kicked the aliens ass’ in the movie(casue they did). Predators were far stronger, and much better equipt. So nyaaah to the aliens guys!

    (btw it was the coolest movie ever)

  61. Yourwrong says:

    yea, so in my opinion Predators kicked the aliens butss’ in the movie(casue they did). Predators were far stronger, and much better equipt. So nyaaah to the aliens guys!

    (btw it was the coolest movie ever)

  62. 420 says:

    i really think that the movie really blew ass??i think that thet could have done something better than the bullshit that they made!!to me it was more like a chick flick a love story>> jut my opinion

  63. yo says:

    i really think that the movie really blew ass??i think that thet could have done something better than the bullshit that they made!!to me it was more like a chick flick a love story>> jut my opinion

  64. gypsylady says:

    I think that Predator is by far the smarter one!!! How very clever He was in the 1rst Movie and about the only thing Alien did was “Slobber & Drool “… I waited for “Many” Years for the “Freddie vs Jason ” Movie and was NOT dissappointed in the Movie itself but that there were so very few at this Movie. I would’ve like to have seen in the “Freddie vs Jason ” Movie as well as this one…Real Die-Hard fans where the The Movie plave is devided down the center w/ Jason Fans on 1 side & Freddie Fans on the other as well as Predator fans on 1 side and Alien Fans on the other and then can cheer them on. I will go see this Movie with my youngest Daughter’s Husband…He had Night-Mares after seeing Alien and has never seen Predator…so can only imagine what this Movie will do to Him…LOL I will have to find Predator and have Him watch it tho before seeing this Movie!

  65. bacon says:


  66. bacon says:


  67. bacon says:


  68. don rowe says:

    when you lot get bored with these toy creatures try dropping me a line and i will be glad to give you a glimpse at the future. Let me elaborate, If for example the Predetor dude or dudes were to be dropped off on Avarian (home planet of the Berli race)to hunt for fun, i am sure that they would realise their mistake almost immediatly. Only one intelligent species now resides there and believe me they are not for hunting. Berli are indeed big enough to hit on average around seven metres so you may think that the well armed Pred would have a chance,and with all that technology so he should. The problem for the pred is that whilst he thought the damn alien was fast and agile he aint seen nothing yet. Armed to the teeth and able to outmanuvre anything we have seen at the movies (so far)the Berli is set to be the thinking humans ultimate angry alien.

    As i said before you boys will find out one day!
    Cheers for your time
    Don Rowe
    [email protected]

  69. Richard Matthews says:

    I’ve got four words for you: I LOVE THIS FILM!!!!!

  70. Jonathan Woodhart says:

    Excellent post! David, my love.

  71. crow says:

    PREDS ALL THE WAY . They look WAY cooler .