Heading down to The Rundown

Posted by on 19. 09. 2003in News Chat

Tomorrow (Saturday) D Lap and I are going to hit a double header of Underworld and an advanced screening of The Rundown. I’ve been dying to see Underworld since I first heard rumors of a Vampires vs. Werewolves film. The Rundown is one I rolled my eyes at in the beginning, but after seeing a couple of trailers, and reading a couple of early reviews I’m actually quite pumped about it. We’re checking them out at the Paramount Theatre in Toronto, so if any of you are there too make sure you say “hi”. We’ll post reviews soon.

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2 Responses to “Heading down to The Rundown”

  1. Rodney says:

    I remember when you used to invite me to movies. Some friend you are.

  2. D Lap says:

    Ahh yes, that was back in the day when we lived close to Toronto…. Where they play movies…. All kinds in fact — even the hard to find ones — Even before they’re released . Crazy, huh? Ah, the luxury of a population of over 5 million.