Freddy Vs. Jason is coming!

Freddy Vs. Jason is coming!
Ok, you have to understand that I grew up in a time that the Freddy and Jason movies were the ultimate teen horror films! I remember talking with my friends about how cool it would be if they made a movie where Jason and Freddy fought each other. Well, it looks like dreams do come true! Reaction from people has been hilarious! Almost everyone I’ve talked to has said the exact same thing: “Man that movie looks like it’s going to be terrible, but I’M FOR SURE GOING TO SEE IT”. Obviously it’s going to be a horrible film, it’s Freddy Vs. Jason, and yet it’s going to be awsome for that exact same reason. I find myself completely excited about seeing it… and yet angry at myself at the same time that I’m going to be wasting 10 bucks on it. Oh, I’m so torn and conflicted!

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